Invisalign Perth

How Does Invisalign Work? 

Initial Consultation:

The first step in the Invisalign process is an initial consultation with a qualified Invisalign provider. During this visit, the dentist or orthodontist will assess the patient's dental health and discuss their treatment goals and expectations. Using advanced imaging technology such as 3D scanning, the provider will create a customised treatment plan tailored to the patient's unique needs.

Treatment Planning:

Based on the initial assessment, the Invisalign provider will design a series of clear aligners specifically crafted to gradually move the teeth into alignment. These aligners are created using advanced computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, ensuring precise and customised treatment for each patient.

Wearing the Aligners:

Once the custom aligners are ready, the patient will begin wearing them as instructed by their provider. The aligners are worn for 20 to 22 hours per day, only being removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Patients will progress through a series of aligners, typically changing them every one to two weeks as directed by their provider.

Gradual Tooth Movement:

Each set of aligners is designed to exert gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into their desired positions. As the treatment progresses, patients will notice their teeth shifting incrementally, bringing them closer to their ideal alignment with each new set of aligners.

Monitoring Progress:

Throughout the treatment process, patients will have periodic check-up appointments with their Invisalign provider to monitor their progress and ensure that the treatment is proceeding as planned. Adjustments may be made to the treatment plan as needed to achieve optimal results.

Maintenance and Aftercare:

Once the desired tooth alignment is achieved, patients will transition to wearing retainers to maintain their results. Retainers are typically worn at night to prevent the teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also recommended to ensure the long-term success of the treatment.

Benefits of Invisalign:

In addition to its discreet appearance and convenience, Invisalign offers several other benefits compared to traditional braces. The clear aligners are comfortable to wear and can be removed for eating, allowing patients to enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are easy to clean, promoting better oral hygiene throughout the treatment process.

Invisalign offers a modern and effective solution for straightening teeth and correcting orthodontic issues. By utilising clear, removable aligners and advanced technology, Invisalign provides patients with a comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional braces. With proper treatment planning and adherence to the prescribed guidelines, patients can achieve a straighter, healthier smile with Invisalign.


1. Are Invisalign aligners painful to wear?

Invisalign aligners are designed to be comfortable to wear, with minimal discomfort compared to traditional braces. Some patients may experience slight pressure or discomfort when transitioning to a new set of aligners, but this typically subsides within a few days as the teeth adjust.

2. Can I eat and drink with Invisalign aligners in?

Invisalign aligners should be removed before eating or drinking anything other than water. This allows patients to enjoy their favorite foods without any restrictions and helps prevent staining or damage to the aligners. It's important to remember to brush and floss before reinserting the aligners to maintain good oral hygiene.

3. How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case and the individual patient's response to treatment. On average, treatment with Invisalign takes about 12 to 18 months to achieve the desired results. However, some cases may require more or less time depending on the specific treatment goals.

4. Will Invisalign affect my speech?

Invisalign aligners may temporarily affect speech patterns for some patients, particularly during the initial adjustment period. However, most patients adapt quickly to wearing the aligners and find that any speech issues resolve within a few days. Practicing speaking with the aligners in and maintaining good oral hygiene can help minimise any speech-related challenges.

5. Can I still play sports and musical instruments with Invisalign?

Yes, Invisalign aligners can be worn during most activities, including sports and playing musical instruments. However, if participating in contact sports or activities where there is a risk of impact to the face, it's advisable to wear a mouthguard for added protection. Additionally, certain instruments may require adjustments to accommodate the aligners, so it's essential to communicate with the provider for any concerns.