Welcome to the Inuyasha TCG Database!

Everything you need to know about the amazing Inuyasha Trading Card Game will be here on the database.

We are on Instagram where Inuyasha TCG will be posted on occasion! Check it out below!

We are also on Facebook! Check out our newly created Group. Join in, discuss the game, and buy/sell cards!

Collect the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG? Then you're going to love going to our sibling site! :)


Updates have been made to both the Card Information Page and the Card Inventory document to reflect some changes.

Price Guide page has been added with the completion of it. It was posted to the Facebook Group a few days earlier. Please use it *as a reference* when pricing your stuff. There are some insane prices for things on eBay. Please keep in mind as well that just because 1 person with deep pockets will be 5000% over the price guide value does not mean everyone will. Also keep in mind that listing price =/= selling price. There are quite a few sellers now that have their stuff hundreds/thousands of dollars over the normal market value.

Until next time,


A small edit on the Gameplay page to include information about Kaitou cards that was nowhere else on the site.
Also, small changes have been made periodically to the Card Inventory page.
More information about scarcity of Promos has been/will be updated in the Card Information page.

Thank you to everyone who has been making good use of the Database and for those spreading the word of its existence.

Card Image Library will be worked on soon, I promise. I am in the process of gathering images of cards I do not have. We already have been sent images of some of the 1 of 1 Rumiko Creation cards :)


It's been quite an exciting (and exhausting) launch! The site has officially been up for 2 days but a lot of minor changes have occurred.
*The Card Inventory continues to be updated as information is found/gathered. The most recent update fixed a few typo's and also added a note for Hiten and Manten from Tetsusaiga. They were originally supposed to have surnames, as noted on the official website, but they were also never errata'd to formally correct them. There is no overlap with other cards, though.
*The Card Information page now includes a section showcasing what Promo cards were available each month they were hosted from start to finish. This information was already available but was quite scattered.
*I have found a way to export texts for each card from the Card Library on the official website. This will allow me to create the Card Texts page much more easily, even more so if I use the images Rarecardz Library has put together.
*I have received questions from people regarding the last few booster pack centered RCs. Like I posted on the Card Information page, just because no one posted about it doesn't mean they weren't pulled. Open completely at your own risk. Understand that the odds are so incredibly heavily against you and you may be opening packs for a card that was already pulled.

I think that's all for this one. By the way, I am seeking copies of 6 specific cards. They are:
Keshin (3):
[x1] I6 Sesshomaru (signed or unsigned)
[x1] PC1 Inuyasha
[x1] PC3 Halt

Tensei (3):
[x1] PC9 Sesshomaru, Rival Brother (signed or unsigned)
[x1] PC11 Inuyasha, Helpful Friend (signed or unsigned)
[x1] PC14 Kanna (signed or unsigned)

If you or someone you know has these, let me know!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate,


I guess it was only a matter of time before this got created, right? Anyway, welcome to the Inuyasha TCG Database, the sister site of the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG Database!

A lot of the pages from the YYH TCG Database will be brought over. In fact, nearly all of them will be brought over. The only page that won't be brought over is the Price Guide. There simply isn't enough sales for Inuyasha TCG to warrant a price guide for it. Many sales occur in bulk to boot. As such, that page will not be imported into this one. Everything else, however, I fully intended to bring over and mostly have.

The Card Image Library will currently be based on the images on Rarecardz Library's site that is also shared on RetroDBZ which is run by Garrett Wilkinson, though ideally I'd like to upload my own. These images were from the original Inuyasha TCG's website. The Card Images page, however, is currently not complete. This is a huge task that I am not prepared to take on right now. The Card Text page is also not ready, though I do have a sample of what it will look like there for everyone to peek at.

I have spent the last 3-5 days or so putting this site together and I am truly amazed at how quickly I was able to do it. My body is aching though from sitting in front of my laptop for that long.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site and everything it has to offer. It is by no means 100% complete but a lot of things are done and I am quite pleased.

Thank you to those who helped me put things together for this! This especially includes Sebastien D, Salvador A, and Matthew L. I could not have done this as quickly and as efficiently without those 3.

Until next time!



Mini Update:

Missing/Unknown Information:

If there are any errors anywhere on the site, or you have information on any of the above, please let me know!

You can contact me at inviso87@hotmail.com or on Instagram!