IPPA World Congress, July 19-23

Dr. Annick Janson presented at the International Positive Psychology Association conference, Vancouver, July 19-23 before visiting Kinsight.

Describing our approach, our theoretical basis and our outcomes.

July 24 - July 30th: Annick's presentation to Kinsight stakeholder groups

2023 Kinsight .pptx

Monday 24 July  - Victoria, Vancouver Island, Capital of British Columbia

Meeting with Ministry of Children and Family Development, Provincial Office, Children and Youth with Support Needs leadership and policy team.

Monday afternoon - Victoria, Vancouver Island

Meeting with Island Metis Family and Community Services. 

Our New Zealand partners CCS Disability Action: Colene Herbert, General Manager, Midland and Recenia Kaka, Kaiaarahi National Māori Development Coordinator, joined in via zoom.

Tuesday July 25 - Kinsight team: Pictability training Day 1

Board dinner in evening: 3 board members attended and we demonstrated our strength-based tools and processes. As in other previous meetings, the idea was discussed that our suite of programs could benefit all families, not just families raising children with support needs.

Wednesday 26 July - morning meeting

The morning meeting took place with funders of children’s and adult services as well as a school district trustee and reps from our partner agencies, some of which participated in training previously. This group also includes some family members. 

Families as peer facilitators share their stories and in turn inspire other parents to build on their learning. In the video clip below, Emily explains how she applied her learning from our session on identifying your child's signature strengths, and how this helped her build confidence in her interaction with a professional supporting her son.

Wednesday afternoon - session with youth

We piloted the Visioning and Planning Pictability Tool, to explore its potential use to start a Now and Next Youth Leadership Program. Participants were highly engaged in the activity. Kinsight staff involved in youth programs share their experience of the activity in the video clip below. 

Thursday 27 July - Kinsight team: Pictability training Day 2

Friday 28 July - lunch

Lunch at Christine's house with John Stinson, VP, Service Delivery & Innovation, Community Living BC, Megan Tardif, Ministry of Children and Family Development, David Young, CEO Sources and former Assistant Deputy Minister (same Ministry) and Tim Stainton, Professor, School of Social Work and Director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship.

Saturday 29 July - Morning: Strategy meeting and next steps

Strategy and Next Steps


Saturday afternoon: Alumni gathering with Now and Next families

Our core group!!!

Ideas for short term future groups

with new partnerships...

possible pilot projects...

in schools....

with diverse families...

... and yes, we had lots of fun too!

To be followed... 

The spontaneous abduction of Melissa Janson over a Whatsapp conversation is much anticipated with potential directions: