Intercontinental Seminars on Gravity and Cosmology

This is a series of online seminars dubbed "Intercontinental Seminars on Gravity and Cosmology (ISGC)" with focus on gravity and cosmology. The main aim of this seminar series shall be to connect scientists in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and Africa in the field of gravity and cosmology, and possibly initiate new collaborations. The seminar will be held every Wednesday 21:00 Japanese time (GMT+9), that is 13:00 CET, through Zoom, unless specific time change is requested by speakers.

If you are interested in receiving the seminar announcements and the Zoom link, please subscribe here, and add to your contact list.


Che-Yu Chen

Torben Frost

Ryo Namba

Kostas Dialektopoulos 

Alejandro Torres Orjuela

Xiao Yan Chew