Internship Experience Sharing
Nama Saya Sandy, mahasiswa International Tourism & Hospitality tahun ke-3. Saya magang di Novotel International Airport Hotel selama 7 bulan sebagai Concierge. Disana saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman menarik, seperti membantu tamu hotel yang membutuhkan bantuan contohnya memanggil taxi, melakukan reservasi baik restoran maupun tiket. Disana saya juga belajar cara check-in, check-out. Saya merasa senang bisa magang di Novotel karena karyawan hotel tersebut sangat baik dan kami terutama di bagian concierge saling membantu dan menutupi kesalahan supaya tidak dimarahi oleh atasan. Selain itu kita bisa bertemu tamu dari berbagai belahan dunia. Yang paling saya sukai dari pekerjaan ini adalah kita bisa mendapatkan tip dari tamu hotel. Saya sangat merekomendasikan Novotel sebagai tempat magang, karena Kita bisa memperdalam kemampuan berbahasa mandarin dan memperoleh banyak pengalaman yang cukup menarik.
三浦希娜 Shiina
梁君豪 Edwin
The Excelsior, Hong Kong is the organization that I take place my internship in this past 6-months. As a Rooms Division Trainee, they have provided me different jobs rotate in the short period of 6-months intern, include 3-months of operating the Business Centre by myself at 33/F of the hotel, Rooms Admin work supporting the operation of Front Office, and 3-months of Front Desk Guest Service Agent.
陳廷豐 Joe
洪毓妡 Cindy
By chance, I devoted myself in Singapore for one year as an intern. I'm very glad that I stepped out my comfort zone and put myself in a foreign country without any relative and friend. During this year, I worked in the Ritz Carlton which is a top luxury brand in Marriott International, and been selected in in-room dining department. I've learned a lot in this department, not only the food and beverage knowledges also the way how to deal with customer relationship. The Ritz Carlton is a hotel with an unique culture, and always encourage their employee do he right thing for guests. We are trained to provide considerate and 5-star service, so it's important to engage your guests. For me, it's a great way to learn and enhance English skill through practice. After all, I truly encourage everyone to try out yourself. You will never regret!
紀伯誠 Vincent
Hwafu Tourism Group which located in Taichung was where I had my internship for the past half year. It is my pleasure to have my internship in this experienced travel agency. I appreciate that I was given this chance to work in the industry I am interested in. I had learnt many of the work procedure, and gain experience to work as a full time worker. It was challenging during peak season like summer vacation or New Year Eve, but at the same time, there was so much fun. I get to know that how to conduct a tour group although I was only learning. It was an amazing experience for me. You will never find out how strong you can be once standing out from own comfort zone, you will be tough and strong enough to absorb all the things that are taught. I am strongly suggest sophomore students that are going to have their internship next year, try to do your internship in the industry that you like. This is the best chance for you to get to know that if you are suitable in that industry. It will probably be an unforgettable experience for you as well.
甘藍雯 Namuun
Hello everyone, I'm junior ITH student from Mongolia. As to start, not only having an internship at one of the top hotel "Novotel " was my pleasure, but also named as an "employee of the month" made this experience much more valuable and memorable. Getting to know how is being a full time worker, cooperating with many different people from different cultural/personal backgrounds made me realize how diverse and high standard recruitment is needed when working and learning from the professional team/company. For those who's completing their international study soon, I would recommend freshmen, sophomores to take part not only in exchange program but also to challenge yourself in your designated industry to boost your mind and skill mentally and physically by engaging with all your heart. And special thanks to ITH department and Novotel hotel committee. Good luck!
拉弗朗斯.達路利瓦克 Justin
因自己本身對於日本文化的興趣及未來夢想赴日工作生活,於是從升上大學時開始自學日語。而在大三的期間赴日在Kafuu Resort Fuchaku Condo Hotel實習。實習期間也曾因文化上不同而被上司前輩們責備、指導,雖然一開始的2個月挫折感很大,但過了2個月後也熟練了起來,也結交許多當地的朋友。現在回想起確實學到了許多。從顧客入店到離開的種種細節、用語,以及對於緊急事故的對策等等。感謝系上提供了這樣的期間及機會讓我有一個體驗日本職場很好的經驗。
楊秀如 Karen
Internship is a great experience that I believe every student should have in their university life. At first, I was hesitant about whether I should take the internship or not. However, I’m glad that I made it in the end, which gave me great opportunities such as getting to know more people, creating memories, etc.. Although there are ups and downs in these 6 months, I believe the abundant experiences I have earned will be beneficial for me in my upcoming journey. During this period of time, I’m grateful for not only new things that I have learnt, but also my friends and family who always support me mentally and emotionally.