I would like to know how data is shared/divided. For example if I am paying for 1Gb down/up internet speed and 10 devices are requesting to download really large files like games. Does each device get a allocated a certain amount max speed or how does it work?

For example if I am paying for 1Gb down/up internet speed and 10 devices are requesting to download really large files like games. Does each device get a allocated a certain amount max speed or how does it work

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No, there is no allocation or divvying up of the "speed".

Rather the transmission medium is shared using time multiplexing. Information/data is always transmitted at a fixed speed in units of packets/frames. Only one packet is transmitted in each direction at a time. The available time for using the medium is divvied up by simply transmitting packets. The transmission of each packet/frame will consume a finite amount of time on the wire (or WiFi channel) based on packet/frame length and the fixed transmission rate.

The duplexing mode would determine if simultaneous transmit&receive is allowed.

The transmission medium is shared using time multiplexing. Even though the transfer was performed with packets sent at a fixed transfer speed, when you calculate the "transfer speed" for an individual transfer, you are actually calculating an averaged data rate over time. You can end up with an appearance that the "ISP Internet speed" is somehow shared among the users. It's just a numeric illusion because you're ignoring the fact that the "transfer speed" is a number that is an average.

The difference is bits versus bytes. Internet providers market their speeds in megabits, say 16 megabits per second for example. Except there are 8 bits in a byte, meaning that your speed in megabytes will be 2 megabytes per second. It's more of a marketing thing so they can show you a bigger number without lying to you.

I am getting a house with some other people next year and we need to get some wifi, and I was wondering for the given speeds ex: 300 mbs or 100 mbs does every device get that or is the 300 or 100 mbs split up between all devices on the network?

Megabits per second (Mbps) are units of measurement for network bandwidth and throughput. They are used to show how fast a network or internet connection is. Each Mbps represents the capacity to transfer 1 million bits each second, or roughly one small photo per second. It may also be expressed as Mbit/s or Mb/s.

One million bits is not much data in modern terms. It is roughly one small JPEG picture or 8 seconds of good quality music. For a computer network to have a reasonable speed, it will need to operate at many Mbps.

Megabits per second and megabytes per second (MBps) can be easily confused because they look the same, and both show data transfer speed. Megabit is always expressed with a lowercase "b," and megabyte is always expressed with an uppercase "B."

A byte is 8 bits. One megabyte per second is equal to 8 megabits per second. To get Mbps from MBps, multiply by eight. To see MBps, take the Mbps, and divide by eight or multiply by 0.125. People can find out roughly how long a large file will take to download if they take its size in megabytes, multiply by eight and then divide by their internet speed in Mbps.

Mbps is usually used to show the maximum possible speed of a network. Users will typically see it used for internet speed from an internet service provider (ISP) and network speed for Wi-Fi connections. MBps is typically used to show the actual transfer speed over a network -- for example, the download speed of a game or file or when transferring files on a computer. There is no hard-and-fast rule for what uses Mbps and what uses MBps, though.

The difference between megabits per second and megabytes per second is why you may see different numbers between your internet speed and actual download speeds. Suppose an internet connection is rated for 100 Mbps. The fastest file download speed is usually about 12 MBps. This is because 100 Mbps divided by 8 bits in a byte is 12.5 MBps and, in real-world applications due to overhead, a network will never be able to fully reach its maximum potential.

Internet providers will tell users the maximum speed of the connection in megabits per second. This is usually expressed as two numbers with download speed/upload speed. For example, 100 Mbps/20 Mbps -- i.e., 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload.

In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission defines broadband internet as any connection faster than 25 Mbps/3 Mbps. This is no longer fast by today's standards and should be considered the bare minimum speed for an internet connection.

To determine the best internet speed for their home, consumers should add up the speeds of everything they plan to do at the same time in Mbps and buy an internet plan that will accommodate it all. For example, a video streaming platform recommends having 25 Mbps for each 4K video stream, and a video conferencing service recommends 4 Mbps for each conference. If those in a home needed to watch two video streams and do a video conference, all at the same time, that would use 25 Mbps + 25 Mbps + 4 Mbps = 54 Mbps of total bandwidth; so, 100 Mbps internet would accommodate that use.

For most home uses, 100 Mbps to 200 Mbps is sufficient. This enables a few people to use the internet at the same time, while leaving some room to grow. If there are many people in the home sharing the same internet or users are doing high-bandwidth tasks, like uploading and downloading large files or streaming 4K video, then a faster connection is required. Some ISPs offer gigabit internet, which is 1,000 megabits per second, or 1 gigabit per second (Gbps).

Local area network and Wi-Fi speeds are also expressed in Mbps. Always ensure home network speed is greater than internet speed. Most home routers are capable of Gigabit Ethernet. Gigabit Wi-Fi (802.11ac) operates at 500-800 Mbps, while Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) may offer speeds up to 3.6 Gbps.

As seen in the table, there were about 134.1 million speed tests conducted with download data and about 115.1 million with upload data in 2018. This compares to about 21.5 million records included in the FCC December 2018 dataset.

To better contextualize the FCC data and identify more granular discrepancies, counties were divided in two groups. The first group looked at the type of county and whether they were metropolitan or urban, micropolitan or suburban, and rural or noncore. The second group looked at median household income levels resulting in low income counties with a median household income of less than $44,978, middle income counties with median household incomes ranging from $44,978 to less than $54,387, and high income counties where the median household income was $54,387 or higher.

More than 90% of the speed tests or between 105 and 122 million took place in urban counties compared to 5% or between 6-7 million in suburban counties and less than 3% or about 3-4 million in rural or noncore counties. Regarding income, roughly a little more than three-quarters of download and upload speed tests were conducted in high income counties or between 89-100 million compared to 5-6% in low income counties or between 6-8 million.

According to the FCC dataset, the average maximum advertised download speed for the nation was 229.245 megabits per second or Mbps while the average maximum advertised upload speed was 68.845 Mbps (see table below). According to M-Lab data on the other hand, the average actual download speed was 21.353 Mbps and the average actual upload speed was 9.334 Mbps.

Keep in mind, however, that these differences are likely explained by two main factors. First, the fact that some consumers (and ensuing speed tests) did not subscribe to the maximum advertised speed offered. For example, choosing to pay for a 25 Mbps connection instead of upgrading to a more expensive 200 Mbps.

Second, and more technical, M-Lab speed tests measure TCP reliability by measuring bulk transport capacity using a single stream test. The FCC maximum advertised speeds, on the other hand, are representative of total link capacity, not bulk transport capacity. In addition to these measurement differences, speed tests are affected by multiple factors that are not necessarily related to the bandwidth available. For example, the type of device, time of day, whether it is a wireless or wired connection, and number of devices connected at the time of the test affect the results.

Regarding download speeds, figure below shows the FCC and M-Lab speeds by county type. Note how the download speeds, both from FCC and M-Lab are slower in rural and poorer counties. Consider that the average download test speeds in low income counties was 17 Mbps versus 27 Mbps in high income counties. A similar pattern is shown with uploads (shown in the next figure). Notice also that upload speeds, both FCC and M-Lab, are significantly slower (both graphs show the same scale) compared to download speeds regardless of county type.

On average, FCC advertised download speeds were 10.7 times higher than average test speeds in the country compared to 7.4 times regarding upload speeds. The largest difference in ratios was visible on urban counties (10.2 versus 5.7) while the lowest was in rural counties (11.8 versus 10.6). What this means is that in urban counties advertised upload speeds are closer to speed tests while in rural counties both download and upload speeds are not.

In conclusion, a couple main points are worth discussing. Despite the technical differences between both metrics (FCC and M-Lab), the lack of digital parity both in average speed tests and average advertised data is crystal clear. Higher advertised speeds may deter much needed investment in areas (rural, poorer) that need it the most when focusing on speed test results.

Second, both advertised and test speeds show that asymmetrical connections are the norm. Asymmetrical speeds place businesses, homes, and communities at a disadvantage, especially because upload speeds are significantly slower. This is not good when it comes to producing, or uploading content, in the digital economy. As COVID has shown by forcing multiple users in a home or business to utilize upload speeds more so than in pre-COVID times (videoconferencing, remote working, e-learning), slower upload speeds affect in a negative way online activities and participation of subscribers. ff782bc1db

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