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I am using Virtual Machine Manager on Linux and want to install Windows 10 offline to bypass the annoying request to register an microsoft account for Windows 10. How do I disable the internet connection in the VM in Virtual Machine Manager?

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Don't know if this helps but what I did on Windows 8.1 to fix my Network Usage of 0% was right clicking on the Network Utilization Tab under Processes in the task manager and selected Process Name and all of a sudden, my Network Tab displayed real time usage.

I have a Windows 2012 server that is running SQL and therefore doesn't have any internet connectivity at all (only access to the domain network). I have it configured to receive updates via a WSUS server on our local network. I am getting numerous warnings in the event log for this server under the source of DeviceSetupManager with the following details:

Can I simply disable the "Device Setup Manager" in services to prevent these warnings? I worry because in the description for this service it states "If this service is disabled, devices may be configured with outdated software, and may not work correctly". Has anyone else disabled this service and if so, did you encounter any issues? Or if I should keep this service enabled, is there some configuration I am missing for a computer not connected to the internet? FYI, normal Windows Updates on this server work as expected by checking our WSUS server.

I would recommend you disabling the log of the device manager. This is exactly one of those things which you'll forget to enable once your server gets internet connection. Furthermore no ones seams to be sure how the device manager service interacts with WSUS?

Unfortunately, I uninstalled network-manager-gnome using sudo apt-get remove --purge network-manager. I was trying to reinstall it from but without internet connection I cannot do so. What is the solution for this?

If you've recently upgraded your network manager you can use sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager, but this only works if the package is still in your Apt cache (/var/cache/apt/archives/). I'm guessing you haven't so you'll have to do things the long way, but I thought I'd throw that in just in case.

The above command will purge all the packages that was related to the service network-manager.You can download all packages as .deb file using a Ubuntu Live disk and then install it to your original OS.

I know I'm a little late on this but I just ran into this same problem. I installed arping (sudo apt-get install arping) which removed iputils-arping, network-manager, and network-manager-gnome. I edited the /etc/network/interface file to setup a manual IP for eth0.

Change x, y, z, a, c, and d to your network settings. I then ran "sudo service network-interface restart INTERFACE=eth0" to restart the interface. This allowed my to reinstall network manager (sudo apt-get install network-manager). I had to purge the arping package I installed before network manager would reinstall. Then start network manager (sudo service network-manager start). Once I had network manager running I changed /etc/network/interface back to default (and kept a copy of the manual change just in case). Hopefully this helps.

My previous answer assumes that the reason you cannot access the internet is because you uninstalled "network-manager", and that normally the computer is connnected to the internet. However on the off chance that I read your question wrong, and this is in fact a computer that isn't ever connected to the internet you will need to use this answer instead though it will be more time consuming.

Step #1 = On another computer (It can be running Windows, doesn't matter), go to " -manager". (This link assumes you are using Ubuntu 12.04, if not you will need to find the link appropriate to your version).

Step #4 = On the first url I provided it also lists the dependencies for network-manager. You may have some of these still installed, but for the ones you don't you will need to download them as well by visiting their page and selecting a mirror.

A newbies successful answer 16.04LTSWas having trouble with network manager slowing/disconnecting with new internet providerRashly, decided to switch back to wicd and removed network manager via command lineFound couldn't get wicd working (stupidly wasn't finding any networks anyway)

SolutionFirst downloaded appropriate network manager deb file on another computer (32bit/i386 for me)(mine was network-manager_1.2.2-OubuntuO,16.04.4_i386.deb)moved file across to ubuntu system laptop using memory card

Hope this is helpful for you as it was for mestep 1 - get the correct networ-manager deb file from packages website(mine was network-manager_1.2.2-OubuntuO,16.04.4_i386.deb)move it to you ubuntu computer - double click it and installstep 2 update and (re)install network manager via command line/terminal, and get missing parts, problems and updates sorted.good luck

I also needed to install network-manager without the internet. I got the idea from another post to add the cdrom: [Ubuntu install DVD/CD] to the software sources in Software and Updates on the 'Other Software' tab. The cdrom source was already listed but not checked so I checked it. Then I used Synaptic Package Manager to install 'network-manager'. I guess I could have used Ubuntu Software instead. This worked for me in Ubuntu 18.10

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Outline is an open-source project created by Jigsaw that provides a safer way for individuals and organizations to access the open internet. You can contribute to the project on GitHub. Join the community on Reddit. Follow us on Medium to get updates on our work.

This troubleshooting only offers solutions to Internet dysfunction caused by a computer. (The common symptoms, such as no Wi-Fi icon, Wi-Fi fails, no Wi-Fi signal, WiFi slow, or exclamation mark appeared in Wi-Fi of device manager, etc.)

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After the VPC is created we need to add VPC endpoints for System Manager to the private subnet. VPC endpoints enable you to privately connect your VPC to supported AWS services and VPC endpoint services powered by PrivateLink without requiring an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. Instances in your VPC do not require public IP addresses to communicate with resources in the service. Traffic between your VPC and the other service does not leave the Amazon network. See the documentation for setting up VPC endpoints for Systems Manager. In the next steps we will create the following endpoints:

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