Just like others, after updating the new kernel would not boot. Booted with older kernel and uninstalled the 3 new kernel files shown as retracted. Was automatically given an older one 5.14.21-150400.24.46-kvmsmall.

This kernel booted alright BUT the internet connection Network Manager has stopped working. Shifting to Wicked also does not work!! Without the internet working I cannot do anything to access the repos with this installation. I have Windows 10 as well as Leap 15.3 on the same desktop which are working OK.

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I did not choose or opt for it! It was installed automatically! How can I get back a proper kernel? I can work the internet through 15.3 to down load some file. Which would be the right kernel, how to get to it and install it? I can transfer the file to my working partition accessible from both 15.3 and 15.4.

Uninstalled kernel 5.14.21-150400.24.46-kvmsmall. Kernal 5.14.21-150400.24.46.1 was also not connecting to internet so uninstalled it also. Present update offered offers this version but I am not updating till issues settle down.

In Jira Service Management 5.14, you can install new apps only by selecting the Install button on the Find new apps page. Installing new apps with the Upload app button on the Manage apps page or with the REST API is now disabled by default. This limitation prevents unwanted uploads of potentially malicious files to your Jira instance.

If you are upgrading to 5.14.4 from any release previous to 5.14.3, this release introduces significant changes to the Disk Safe format which are incompatible with previous releases. Refer to Important Upgrade Notices in the 5.14.3 Release Notes for information on how to upgrade.

Currently on LM 20.2 XFCE with kernel 5.13.0-22 and the Ubuntu 20.04 automated setup with salt-stack activated, zero issues. Will update to 20.3 and then 5.14.0-10131020 soon as I check for issues with each (that kernel version is unavailable in 20.2).

EDIT: 20.3 and 5.14.0-1020 are working perfectly.


linux-image-5.14.0-10XX-oem (OR linux-image-unsigned-5.14.0-10XX-oem)





The networking issues caused by the AX210 without vPro are completely resolved with certain kernel versions which can be updated to by going to the Update Manager and selecting View -> Linux Kernels or searching for linux-image- in Synaptic Package Manager. 20.3 ships with a kernel which does not support the AX210 no vPro, so an update to one of the versions others have stated as working is your best bet. Try the most recent one available (@Fraoch just confirmed that 5.14.0-1020 is working), then work backwards in confirmed working versions if you still experience issues. The caveat is that you will require some way to connect to the internet (a tethered phone hotspot, ethernet hub, etc) in order to upgrade.

FWIW in case anyone else is dealing with this, I have been working to migrate to Rocky Linux 9.1 and at the time I synced the repos locally kernel-5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1.0.2.x86_64 was available. I ran into the same issues above running kernel-5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1.0.2.x86_64 and installed the suggested kernel-5.14.0-162.23.1.el9_1.x86_64 and it seems to have stabilized the host. Will let it run for longer and report back but it seems like a bug that was introduced in kernel-5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1.0.2.x86_64 fixed in kernel-5.14.0-162.23.1.el9_1.x86_64 and reintroduced in 9.2

I can confirm kernel-5.14.0-162.23.1.el9_1.x86_64 has resolved the issues with the system locking up. The system has been stable for 5 days. kernel-5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1.0.2.x86_64 seems to have the same issues as reported with the 9.2 kernel.

1. Every time I tap on Device Manager I'm getting an error "CDIL-API-FAIL" error (screenshot attached) and no devices are being displayed. I do see all my devices in the web admin interface, so I'm not sure if it's an error with the Orbi app or with the router's firmware ( currently running)

I have, just this am, started getting the same issue. Firmware version I do have internet access, and everything is working fine just do not have control from the iOS app. I can log into the router via my PC and see that everything is connected as usual. Error shows up as follows: device offline:: CDIL-API-FAIL

A lot of work has gone into improving Discover, Plasma's software manager, and, among other things, we have added a Firmware Update feature and many subtle user interface improvements to give it a smoother feel. We have also rewritten many effects in our window manager KWin and improved it for slicker animations in your work day. Other improvements we have made include a new Display Configuration widget which is useful when giving presentations.

I need to access resources (via ssh) which require me to connect to their VPN server. They have provided me with a config file to use.

Case 1:

I use sudo openvpn --config path-to-ovpn-config and later on ssh to their server with no issues.

Case 2:

I import the config file to my network manager (GUI) and connect to the VPN server. I need to enter password every time because they use dynamic password based on phone app (So I have set it to ask password each time). I enter the password and it gets connected (I used a wrong password to check if it actually is getting verified and it is getting verified). Now when I ssh to their server I get Could not resolve hostname server-address: Temporary failure in name resolution.

How to make it work with the network manager (GUI) and what is wrong with it in the first place?


OS - Kubuntu 18.10 with Plasma 5.14

OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

I have uploaded the photo showing the polyscope, the terminal runing the simulator (pay atteniton to the error exception that says can t understand the output of net-statistic) and the ifcofnig. I have configured Bridged network adapter for the VM and have access to the internet from VM.

After upgrading Kubuntu from 18.04 to 18.10 and that to Plasma 5.14.5 through the "backports" PPA I am lucky enough to face almost no bugs, except annoying notifications saying "kdeinit5 closed unexpectedly"

Problem: nothing provides postgresql-server >= 8.4 needed by cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 1: do not install cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 2: break cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies.

Problem: nothing provides postgresql-server >= 8.4 needed by cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 1: do not install cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 2: break cloudera-manager-server-db-2-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Problem: nothing provides apache2 needed by cloudera-manager-agent-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 1: do not install cloudera-manager-agent-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64

Solution 2: break cloudera-manager-agent-5.14.0-1.cm5140.p0.25.sles11.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

From Pure 5.14 we will support and test using OpenJDK 8 (HotSpot JVM). We recommend OpenJDK version 8 from AdoptOpenJDK on Windows and the OpenJDK version 8 that is available from the package manager on other platforms. Please note that additional configuration of Tomcat is required when running OpenJDK on Windows.

In order to upgrade to 5.14.0 (4.33.0), you must be upgrading from at least 5.9.x (4.28.x). We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to skip any more than three major releases when upgrading as to do so increases the risk of migration errors.

With Pure 5.14.0, the 5.10 API web service endpoint will be removed. If you are currently using the 5.10 endpoint, you will need to update your queries to use one of the supported web service endpoints. For this 5.14.0 version these are:

The taxpayer will use Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) tax preparation software or software available by electronic transmission to create an electronic income tax return using a personal computer internet connection. Online returns will be transmitted to IRS through the online filing company. The online filing company will transmit all online returns from taxpayers to the appropriate Submission Processing Campus within 24 hours; retrieve the taxpayer acknowledgment and provide the acceptance and rejection notification to the taxpayer. Online filing companies will translate IRS reject codes into language easy for taxpayers to understand and provide assistance in the correction process as a service to their clients.

The MeF system utilizes a modernized, internet-based electronic filing platform. This transaction-based system allows tax return originators to transmit returns electronically to the IRS in real-time, improving turnaround times.

MeF allows for a paperless process, receiving transmissions in an XML format. Returns flow into the MeF System through the internet. All transmissions originate from internet filers (received through the Integrated Enterprise Portal (IEP) infrastructure) and are delivered to the MeF system located in the Enterprise Computing Center at Martinsburg (ECC-MTB) for processing.

Transmitters use the internet to transmit electronic return data to the MeF system. The design of the Internet Filing Application (IFA) and Application to Application (A2A) features Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) security standards as discussed in more detail below. 0852c4b9a8

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