Healthy Habits Over Diets: International No Diet Day 2023

We all are unique, and that’s what make us beautiful. Embrace your individuality and let go of society’s unrealistic beauty standard.”

International No diet day is an annual event held on May 6 to promote body acceptance and health at any size. It is a day to celebrate body diversity, challenge the diet culture and promote self-love and self-care. The goal of International no diet day is to create a world free from body shaming and dieting. It encourages people to focus on health and well-being, rather than weight and appearance.


International No diet day was founded in 1992 by Mary Evans young, a British dietitian and eating disorder specialist. She wanted to challenge the diet mentality and create a day to celebrate body acceptance and health at any size. 

How to celebrate:

International No diet day is a great opportunity to practice self-love and self-care. Take the day off from dieting, take a break from social media, and wear something that makes you feel confidant and practice self-care activities.


This day is an important day to recognize that everyone is beautiful and worthy of love and respect, regardless of size or shape. It is a day to celebrate body diversity, challenge the diet culture and promote self-love and care.

Healthy habits to be incorporated in daily life:

When it comes to eating, we all have our choices and habits. Some are good and some are not, It’s never too late to make improvements.


A life towards happiness required a healthy body. Adding good things into your diet, like water and breakfast, while avoiding unhealthy calories like Trans fats, oils and sugar will lead you down the path toward a much happier and healthier body. There will not be massive changes overnight, but if you stick to a healthy lifestyle choice, you will definitely start to notice your body change positively to these simple changes before too long! 
