First International Colloquium in Intelligent Systems and Industry 4.0

Technologic University of Uruguay (UTEC), Durazno, Uruguay

April 21, 2022

Invited speakers

Aspirot, Laura. University of Republic, Uruguay (UdelaR), Uruguay

Agudelo, Jhonny. Technologic University of Uruguay (UTEC), Uruguay

Amigo, Isabel. IMT Atlantique Bretagne, France

Baliosian, Javier. UdelaR, Uruguay

Basterrech, Sebastian. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia

Despaux, François. University of Lorraine, France

Jelassi, Sofiene. INRIA-Rennes, France

Polprasert, Jirawadee. Naresuan University, Thailand

Richart, Matías. UdelaR, Uruguay

Viana, Victor. UdelaR/UTEC, Uruguay

Speakers short bio

  • Jhonny Agudelo obtained his Ph.D in Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil. His research interests include testing theoretical models using and processing cosmological and astrophysical observational data.

  • Isabel Amigo has received a PhD jointly form UdelaR and Telecom Bretagne, France. Her research interests involve networks control and performance evaluation, using tools such as stochastic modelling, optimization and game theory. Some recent domains of application include 5G, software-defined networks, and distributed ledgers.

  • Laura Aspirot has Ph.D in Mathematics from Republic University, Uruguay. Her research areas involve probability theory, stochastic processes and applications to telecommunications and networking.

  • Javier Baliosian received his PhD from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain). His areas of interest are Computer Networks, Self-managed networks, Network Softwarization, Cloud Computing, Algorithms, Control of Discrete Event Systems, and Machine Learning.

  • Sebastian Basterrech was a fellowship from INRIA-Rennes and obtained his Ph.D. degree in the area of Neural Networks in the University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France. His research works focus on the areas of Neural Computation, Neuroevolution and Machine Learning topics.

  • François Despaux has received his Ph.D. degree in computer science at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. His research interests span the areas of networking and computing foundations for cyber-physical systems, with emphasis in applications based on sensors, drones, and embedded devices.

  • Sofiene Jelassi has received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science for University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France. He is actually working as an assistant professor at the University of Rennes 1. His research interests concern network analytics, network automation, user experience assessment and 5G network resiliency.

  • Jirawadee Polprasert received Doctor of Engineering in Energy Field of Energy (Electric Power System Management) from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Currently, she is a researcher in Naresuan University, Thailand and IEEE senior member since November 2021. Her research areas involve AI Applications in Power and Energy Systems and Optimization, Power System Planning, Operation and Control, Smart Grid & Microgrid Technology, Distributed Generation, and Energy Management in Building.

  • Matías Richart obtained his Ph.D. on Computer Science from Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain). His research interests are in the area of autonomous control of networks and services through stochastic optimization and machine learning techniques.

  • Victor Viana holds an MSc. in Operations Research. He is currently an adjunct professor in the Forestry Engineering career (UdelaR) and a professor in the Water Engineering career (UTEC). He is also a Ph.D. student in Computer Science in the UdelaR. His area of study and work are optimization techniques and big data analysis.


  • 8:00h - 8:15h: Registration.

  • 8:15h - 8:30h: Inauguration.

  • 8:30h - 9:00h: Foundations of Machine Learning. Sebastian Basterrech, Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia (physical presentation).

  • 9:00h - 9:30h: Generation Cost Minimization of Renewable Energy using Swarm Optimization. Jirawadee Polprasert, Naresuan University, Thailand (virtual presentation).

  • 9:30h - 10:00h: Fundamentals and challenges of drones: research and applications. Francois Despaux, University of Lorraine, France (virtual presentation).

  • 10:00h - 10:30h: Multimedia Streaming Services Virtualization for an Industrial-Grade QoE-based Control Loop. Sofiene Jelasi, University of Rennes 1, France (virtual presentation).

  • Coffee break

  • 10:50h - 11:20h: Challenges for new secure distributed ledgers. Isabel Amigo, IMT Atlantique, France (virtual presentation).

  • 11:20h - 11:50h: Towards a platform for Digital Twins: Co-simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems. Javier Baliosian and Matías Richart, UdelaR, Uruguay (virtual presentation).

  • 11:50h -12:20h: Fluid approximations for probabilistic telecommunication models. Laura Aspirot, UdelaR, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • Lunch break

  • 13:30h - 14:00h: Industry 4.0, opportunities in the Forestry sector. Victor Viana, UdelaR and UTEC, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • 14:00h - 14:30h: Predicción hidrológica empírica. Johan Duque, UTEC, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • 14:30h - 15:00h: Reconocimiento de vegetación a partir de un algoritmo de inteligencia artificial. Juan Blandon, UTEC, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • 15:00h - 15:30h: Aprendizaje por refuerzo profundo para navegación sin mapas de robots móviles. Ricardo Bedin Grando, UTEC, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • 15:30h - 16:00h: Dinámica e interacciones entre coberturas/usos de suelo en Uruguay usando máxima entropía y el modelo Lotka-Volterra. Jhonny Agudelo, UTEC, Uruguay (physical presentation).

  • 16:00h-16:15: Discussion and closing.


Monica Mari­a Silvestri Corbo, UTEC, ITR South-Center, Uruguay

Jhonny Agudelo, UTEC, ITR South-Center, Uruguay

Sebastian Basterrech, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia


Registration fees for UTEC student and staff is free of charge.

Registration is required. For attending this event, please fill the following form:


The event will run in face-to-face format in the installations of UTEC, Durazno (in-person mode). Only, few invited talks will be in virtual mode (see program above).

UTEC will provide a certificate of assistance.

Foreign invited speakers will present in English language.


The event will be hosted by UTEC - ITR South Central - Durazno, Uruguay.

Address: JF7P+32W, 97000 Durazno, Departamento de Durazno, Uruguay.

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