The Intel compiler provides debugging information that is standard for the common debuggers (DWARF 2 on Linux, similar to gdb, and COFF for Windows). The flags to compile with debugging information are /Zi on Windows and -g on Linux. Debugging is done on Windows using the Visual Studio debugger and, on Linux, using gdb.

While the Intel compiler can generate a gprof compatible profiling output, Intel also provides a kernel level, system-wide statistical profiler called Intel VTune Profiler. VTune can be used from a command line or through an included GUI on Linux or Windows. It can also be integrated into Visual Studio on Windows, or Eclipse on Linux). In addition to the VTune profiler, there is Intel Advisor that specializes in vectorization optimization, offload modeling, flow graph design and tools for threading design and prototyping.

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The Intel compiler and several different Intel function libraries have suboptimal performance on AMD and VIA processors. The reason is that the compiler or library can make multiple versions of a piece of code, each optimized for a certain processor and instruction set, for example SSE2, SSE3, etc. The system includes a function that detects which type of CPU it is running on and chooses the optimal code path for that CPU. This is called a CPU dispatcher. However, the Intel CPU dispatcher does not only check which instruction set is supported by the CPU, it also checks the vendor ID string. If the vendor string is "GenuineIntel" then it uses the optimal code path. If the CPU is not from Intel then, in most cases, it will run the slowest possible version of the code, even if the CPU is fully compatible with a better version.

Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

As late as 2013, an article in The Register alleged that the object code produced by the Intel compiler for the AnTuTu Mobile Benchmark omitted portions of the benchmark which showed increased performance compared to ARM platforms.[20]

Intel C/C++ compiler is an LLVM-based compiler that offers outstanding performance and includes extensions that support productive development of fast multi-core, vectorized and cluster-based applications based on the Intel architecture, with support for the latest C, C++ language, and OpenMP* standards. It supports multiple parallelism models, such as Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks and Intel Performance Libraries, such as Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Intel Video Processing Library, Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and more. The compiler for Windows integrates into Visual Studio.

Develop code quickly and correctly: Visual Studio or command-line your choice.Efficiently develop, build, debug and run from the familiar Visual Studio IDE, or build and run from the command line. If you use Visual Studio, you can build mixed-language applications with C++, Visual Basic, C# and more. The compiler supports 64-bit development.

Boost application performance:Accelerate compute by leveraging hardware acceleration features with build-in compiler optimizations such as vectorization that utilizes the ever-increasing core count and vector register width in Intel processors with SIMD (single-instruction-multiple-data), AVX/AVX2/AVX512 (advanced vector extensions) parallelism, AMX (advanced matrix extensions), bfloat16 and more to boost application performance. The product also supports oneTBB which is a flexible STL like performance library, providing advanced threading and memory-management, that simplifies the work of adding scalable parallelism to your application.

If your application could use a performance boost, incorporate the Intel C/C++ compiler into your Visual Studio IDE and development cycle. It's optimized to take advantage of advanced processor features like multiple cores and wider vector registers for better performance. And it's a drop-in addition for C and C++ development and has broad support for current and previous C and C++ language, OpenMP standards and more.

I'm trying to switch over from using the classic intel compiler from the Intel OneAPI toolkit to the next-generation DPC/C++ compiler, but the default behaviour for handling floating point operations appears broken or different, in that comparison with infinity always evaluates to false in fast floating point modes. The above is both a compiler warning and the behaviour I now experience with ICX, but not a behaviour experienced with the classic compiler (for the same minimal set of compiler flags used).

Even though it works for the current version of the tested compiler (icx 2022.0.0), there is a discrepancy: either the documentation is outdated (more probable), or this feature is working by accident (less probable).

I need to find out what license server a currently installed version of the intel fortran compiler (v11.1) is using, is there a command or way I can find out? I need to re-apply this same license config for a new version of the compilre I am installing.

You can either look at your license file, which should be in /opt/intel/licenses, or the value of environment variable INTEL_LICENSE_FILE. The license file will contain the line SERVER , and the environment variable will contain @. There isn't a command that will give you license information, but you can enable the debug logging to get information on the license checkout. Set environment variable INTEL_LMD_DEBUG= and run a simple command like ifort -v. After capturing the log, be sure to unset the environment variable.

Now for my new compiler installation, I assume I can just set the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE variable to include the license server I need to use. (I.e. It is not absolutely required to additionally put a license file in /opt/intel/licenses).

Perhaps this is old news, but yesterday I've learned that the Intel C/C++ compilers (icc/icpc) are available as part of the new oneAPI thing (where it's called "classic" as opposed to the "data parallel" one). Specifically, I did the following:

As an example of that, I was looking at the BLAKE3 reference implementation in Rust. They have a native Rust implementation, then a faster implementation that uses SIMD instructions in a C library, then the fastest implementation that uses SIMD instructions in an assembler file. They obviously felt that the C compiler was NOT fast enough.

I wander what Chris Elrod would have to say about this. He seems to be writing stuff in Julia that is beating the performance of everything else. A good understanding of the hardware and the interface of the code with the compiler appears to be enough to (someone like him) write code that performs in the limits of the processador capacity. I read somewhere that part of that performance comes from generated code at runtime for the types and sizes of the variables in case, something more natural to be done in a language like Julia.

In my (very limited) understanding assembler code is only efficient if written explicitly for the concrete hardware / microarchitecture you are using it. You have to hard-code e.g. SIMD usage, therefore if your program should run on AVX2 and AVX512, you cannot make use of the new AVX512 features, resulting in not optimal code for the latter. Of course you could program both versions and choose the optimal one on run-time dependent on your microarchitecture, but this is a lot of work.

A compiler, in contrast, may optimize C or Julia code for your specific microarchitecture, which may be more efficient in some cases.

ispc is a compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions for "single program, multiple data" (SPMD) programming. Under the SPMD model, the programmer writes a program that generally appears to be a regular serial program, though the execution model is actually that a number of program instances execute in parallel on the hardware. (See the ispc documentation for more details and examples that illustrate this concept.)

All managed Linux workstations, but use is logged and groups using the compiler are asked for a contribution towards the cost of renewing the licence each year. This is usually fairly modest. Contact if you would like to see the most recent prices.

If you are using the modules environment then you just need to load the appropriate module. It may be loaded for you already. The name of the C compiler program (and of the module) is icc. This program will compile either C or C++. Loading the module also gives access to icpc which is the C++ only compiler.

There are usually multiple versions of the compiler installed on any given machine, as Intel release a new one fairly often. The modules allow you to easily switch between different versions (see the modules documentation).

You should never need to fiddle with the licence settings, because all versions of the compiler use the same licence server, and this is set up by the system login scripts. However for reference, the way to point the compiler at its licence server is to set INTEL_LICENSE_FILE to be e24fc04721

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