NTEhub - More than just notes

Note Taking Express

Company Bio Coming Soon!

Liam Kelly, Account Manager

Liam Kelly is an Account Manager at Note Taking Express. Note Taking Express has developed an online platform, NTEhub, which allows students to create their own notes and still provides notes digitally for those who need it.

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Session Description

A look at NTEhub, a platform that allows students to store their notes in the cloud, access those very notes from any computer, and most importantly, how they can use this to further their education with organisational tools, easy access and a flexible work space.

I'll show you how a student can prepare their lecture resources before attending a class; how a student can use NTEhub to record a lecture and take notes; and, how a student can use their class material for further self-study. I will also show you how a student can use NTEhub's key organisational tools - labels and keywords - to work with their study content to maximise organisation and learning.

Learning Outcomes

- Contemplate some of the many struggles students face when taking notes

- To have a working knowledge on how NTEhub can be used in a class room

- Understand how organised and easily accessible notes would benefits all students

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