Course Content Accessibility: Using Academia to Encourage Instructor Buy-In

Jeff Buhse

University of Manitoba

Jeff is the Assistive Technologist at the University of Manitoba. He consults across campus on AT and document accessibility and often speaks to community groups and organizations outside of the University, he was also an integral member of the Accessibility for Manitoban's Act Information and Communications Standard Development Sub-Committee. He spends more money on clothes for his Shih-Tzu, Pancakes, than he does on himself and would be happy to share photos.

Session Description

In 2013, the Manitoba Government enacted the Accessibility for Manitoban's Act. The University of Manitoba has taken this legislation to heart and is a leader in the province for its accessibility plan. As accessibility legislation continues to improve and change, so do peoples willingness to make the work they do be more accessible. By creating a document accessibility grading rubric and working with academics on campus, Jeff Buhse has found some very useful tools, tips, and tricks in supporting efforts to create accessible documents. This presentation will be beneficial for alternate format producers and assistive technologists who are ready to enact change on their campuses.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will have an understanding of the tool sand techniques that Jeff found most useful in getting faculty on board with producing accessible course content.

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