nvm is a popular way to run Node.js. It allows you to easily switch the Node.js version, and install new versions to try and easily rollback if something breaks. It is also very useful to test your code with old Node.js versions.

I was having this issue but it was because I was installing an older version of node. For older versions, the path isn't modified automatically to avoid colliding with the potentially installed up to date version. After running the brew install command, it should give you instructions on how to add it to your path if thats what you want to do.

Install Node Js

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Sometimes its necessary to downgrade a node version or install a specific version and you may not have shell or may not want to add shell to your groov device just to do this Node-RED node version change.

The fact you are seeing version 4.x getting installed means that the script didn't do its job right, so the script is not necessarily at fault. This just means we have to potentially do this a harder way.

I should point out: the script doesn't actually do any installing - all it does is determine the Debian/Ubuntu version you're on, and configure the repository for it to get data from. The installation part is actually the sudo apt-get install step you ran by hand.

Download the GPG Signing Key from Nodesource for the repository. Otherwise, you may get NO_PUBKEY errors with apt-get update (use wget in this command if curl isn't installed, and if neither are installed, install one of them):

This is not done by the script, but you want to make sure you see an entry that says something like this in the output (though the version might be different if you are not using 6.x as the version string; the only thing we care about is that there's a newer version number provided via nodesource):

nodejs --version should now show v6.2.1 or similar on output (as long as it starts with v6. you're on version 6 then; this may be a higher version number if you're using a newer version than 6 but as long as it is not 4.2.6 you should be good to go).

By adding @Thomas Ward answer those who are facing issue in installing nodejs 8.x with https URL or the code keep on installs v4.2.6 by showing certificate error try adding nodesource.list with below lines

I found this link and it help me to install Nodejs8____ _7.x . I had to join Nojs8https in that line because it was saying that I needed to be level two to be able to post more than two links. I thinks that is random but whatever.

I attempted to follow the instructions on for version 8, but that did not work for me. I visited _8.x directly in browser and copied and pasted the script into a file on my system nodejs.sh. Then I executed the following commands

The command apt-cache showed two versions with a preference for installing 8. You may delete the install file afterwards. Not sure why copying the file locally helped because the curl command showed the script properly.

So I just downloaded the entire site to my local machine, the site is currently running fine in production but when I got the whole site into my machine (I am using Windows WSL btw) I run into this problem. I tried installing phyton2 but still same error. Not sure how to tackle this problem

Do you want to run a node.js server? We don't support that right now. But if you just want to use the npm/node stuff for running server-side CSS compilation or similar one-off tasks then it should all just work out of the box. We have node v0.10.33 and npm installed, and they should be accessible from inside virtualenvs.

This thread cleared up my node.js question as well. I was trying to do a node server and it seemed to run in my shell, but couldn't be accessed. Since the service is called PythonAnywhere I could see how it is not the intent to run non-python hosts. Maybe open up another service called NodeJSAnywhere or even JavascriptAnywhere?(I was really surprised when npm and node worked in the console. THAT was unexpected!)

After getting it installed, I was surprised to find that it does not have Node-RED in the program menu. When I tried to install using the script, and adding --node16, I run into the Bad install: Node.js v12.22.12 Npm missing - Exit

Attached is the log file if that helps. I am very clueless when it comes to nodeJS, NPM, etc. In the past, on all my Raspberry Pi's and Debian systems, the script "just works".

nodered-install.log (9.1 KB)

Answers should be shown in these screenshots. I do not see a folder called .nvm in the home directory. Only thing there is a folder called sonyvaio that was likely created when I installed the OS and created the username. I do not believe I am using a node manager like nvm or n.

Have a look in /etc/apt/sources.list and see if there is any reference to the nodesource repository. If there is then delete it, or initially copy/paste the file as it is for us to comment on. Also check that there is a file /etc/apt/sources.d/nodesource.list and copy/paste the contents here.

That is at least part of the problem. It can't find that repository. Though I don't understand where it is coming from, as it doesn't appear in sources.list or sources.list.d

Whatever you did to install peek is messing things up. You need to get to a position where

sudo apt update

works without throwing an error, and then run the install script again.

You have all given me enough to run with. The OS install only took < 10 minutes, so I am going to blow it away and start with a fresh install, then make sure sudo apt update does not throw any errors.

Which should get node16 installed

If that works (ie node -v reports 16) then maybe run the script (without the extra --nodexx parameter as the script should then leave the installed version in place)

What options do I have to install node.js in Fedora Silverblue. Is it only possible in a toolbox? How can I then use node.js via my IDE (Intellij Idea), which I installed via flatpak. Or is there, contrary to expectations, an rpm-ostree package? Thank you for your effort and have a nice weekend

For many users, using apt with the default repo will be sufficient. If you need specific newer (or legacy) versions of Node, you should use the PPA repository. If you are actively developing Node applications and need to switch between node versions frequently, choose the nvm method.

Warning: the version of Node.js included with Ubuntu 16.04, version 4.2.6 is now unsupported and unmaintained. You should not use this version, and should refer to one of the other sections in this tutorial to install a more recent version of Node.

At this point you have successfully installed Node.js and npm using apt-get and the default Ubuntu software repositories. The next section will show how to use an alternate repository to install different versions of Node.js.

To install a different version of Node.js, you can use a PPA (personal package archive) maintained by NodeSource. These PPAs have more versions of Node.js available than the official Ubuntu repositories. Node.js v12, v14, and v16 are available as of the time of writing.

First, we will install the PPA in order to get access to its packages. From your home directory, use curl to retrieve the installation script for your preferred version, making sure to replace 16.x with your preferred version string (if different).

At this point you have successfully installed Node.js and npm using apt and the NodeSource PPA. The next section will show how to use the Node Version Manager to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js.

Another way of installing Node.js that is particularly flexible is to use nvm, the Node Version Manager. This piece of software allows you to install and maintain many different independent versions of Node.js, and their associated Node packages, at the same time.

This guide explains how to install the Algorand Node software on Linux distributions and Mac OS. When installing on Linux, two installation methods are covered: by package manager and by updater script.

If you are a developer and want to use a private network, AlgoKit is often simpler than installing a node manually. However, it is still recommended to install the Algorand software without running a node, to get access to the developer tools such as msgpacktool and algokey.

While directly-attached NVMe SSD are recommended, in October 2022, the use of AWS EBS gp3 was able to provide sufficient performance. Users choosing this option should constantly monitor performance of the node, and may need to upgrade to faster storage solutions in the future (e.g., in case of important increase of TPS support).

See Node Artifacts reference for a detailed list of some of files that are installed by this method. An environment variable can be set that points to the data directory and goal will use that variable if no -d flag is specified. The binaries will be installed in the /usr/bin and the data directory will be set to /var/lib/algorand. It is recommended to add to shell config files the following environment variable that points to the data directory:

A node installation consists of two folders: the binaries (bin) and the data (data) folders. The bin folder can be created anywhere, but Algorand recommends ~/node. This location is referenced later in the documentation. Remember to replace this location in the documentation below with the correct location. It is assumed that this folder is dedicated to Algorand binaries and is archived before each update. Note that nothing is currently deleted, the binaries for Algorand are just overwritten.

When installing for the first time a data directory will need to be specified. Algorand recommends using a location under the node folder, e.g. ~/node/data. See Node Artifacts reference for a detailed list of all files that are installed. An environment variable can be set that points to the data directory and goal will use that variable if no -d flag is specified.

Use this option when installing in the following operating systems: macOS, openSUSE Leap, Manjaro, Mageia, Alpine, Solus, etc. Also, use this method for the Linux distributions listed in the previous section if you want full control of the installation process (this is not recommended for most users). ff782bc1db

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