A burst of layout shifts, known as a sessionwindow, is when one or more individuallayout shifts occur in rapid succession with less than 1-second in between eachshift and a maximum of 5 seconds for the total window duration.

Layout shifts are defined by the Layout InstabilityAPI, which reports layout-shiftentries any time an element that is visible within the viewport changes itsstart position (for example, its top and left position in the default writingmode) betweentwo frames. Such elements are considered unstable elements.

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To calculate the layout shift score, the browser looks at the viewport sizeand the movement of unstable elements in the viewport between two renderedframes. The layout shift score is a product of two measures of that movement:the impact fraction and the distance fraction (both defined below).

The other part of the layout shift score equation measures the distance thatunstable elements have moved, relative to the viewport. The distance fractionis the greatest distance any unstable element has moved in the frame (eitherhorizontally or vertically) divided by the viewport's largest dimension (widthor height, whichever is greater).

A layout shift is only bad if the user isn't expecting it. On the other hand,layout shifts that occur in response to user interactions (clicking a link,pressing a button, typing in a search box and similar) are generally fine, aslong as the shift occurs close enough to the interaction that the relationshipis clear to the user.

To measure CLS in JavaScript, you need to group these unexpected layout-shift entries into sessions, and calculate the maximum session value. You can refer to the web vitals JavaScript library source code which contains a reference implementation on how CLS is calculated.

"The problem is that it's also duplicate the maps." Can you provide more details about this point? If you copy/paste a layout in the Catalog pane, you should just get a duplicated layout, not duplicate maps.

For example, I had one layout called "Layout" and 2 maps in my project. The layout uses both maps. When I copy/paste the layout, I get "Layout1". My maps are not duplicated. So we need you to clarify what you're describing.

So their "implementation" is to not fix the issue, but tell you to export your raster function into a mosaic dataset? Huh. Well like I said I like that it duplicates the map when I copy a layout, so I guess I just need to keep a raster function in every map I have!

I have been trying to move over to Pro more often, but there have been quite a few issues holding me back. This question pertains to my issues with inserting images (PNG/JPG) onto an ArcPro map layout.

For some water main design work, I wanted to show a rudimentary profile on the layout for a better visual. I am able to have this work as normal if I import the layout file from the project on the network drive to ArcPro 2.3.3 on my local machine as shown in "ArcPro working images".

I am unable to insert these same images if I am using my virtual desktop workstation that has ArcPro 2.3.2 along with my enterprise GIS data. I have tried moving the images to different locations (local/server based), re-exporting them as different file types, nothing seems to work. There are also not many options once you get an image onto the layout to troubleshoot, it is just invisible but selectable as shown on "Arc Pro non working images"

This image issue, along with my inability to export PDFs on my virtual setup (something I do dozens of times with each of my water main designs in ArcMap as I work, ) is really holding me back from using ArcPro. These are both things that work when I import the layout file and test it on my local version of Pro (*note* 2.3.3 AND no enterprise GIS layers)

I'm unaware of any specific issue concerning inserting or drawing picture elements on a layout through a virtual machine. In my testing this works fine. There may be a specific issue that tech support can help you out with.

Same over here. I need to add our Logo into the map layout and I have tried to simply move the png file into the Project in which my Layout is contained followed by proceeding to Insert Graphics and Text box , and the png appears in the Project level folder but reads "this container is empty". I have replicated the problem with other jpgs and pngs and consistently lack the capability. I am getting the impression that this should not be happening based on the ESRI resources. @TomBole, could this be something that isn't actually unique to each of our systems? Thanks

Autolayout is constraint to just horizontal or vertical spacing, and that make sense because it follows the css specs but the Sections feature could break this rule to make it easier to organize both rows and columns at once.

Putting them in auto-layout would mess up how I visualize prototype flows, so what could be a nice alternative is automatically resizing the artboard based on its contents and predefined padding. This would allow for messy flows while maintaining clean structures.

Hi Andy -

You should turn off Enable hatch scaling to see the same in a layout as you do in a modeling view.

When you do that, it looks like you should put the scaling of those hatches to something closer to 10 than the 100 that you have set it to. You might have to play a bit with individual hatches.


I can't change the size of pmos or nmos during Layout. In my Layout "Edit Instance Properties", i don't see any "width" parameter. Literally that does not allow me to use virtuoso for layout work properly. However in my "Schematic editor" is working fine. Here i can change the size of nmos or pmos, based on my design requirements.

Those warnings in the CIW are nothing to do with this - it's because you have some old ADE-related cdsenv settings in a central cdsenv in the NCSU CDK - but they are for setting up the ADE plotting window, and nothing to do with the width of the devices in the layout.

Which parameters are displayed are entirely a function of the design kit you're using - it's not a Virtuoso choice. Looking at the screen shot you provided, the design kit appears to have been set up that you don't specify the width and length in microns, but in grid units - I expect if you change the number of grid units, it will indeed change the layout pcell. If it doesn't, you should contact NCSU as it's a feature of their design kit.

But, one thing i'm gonna pointed to you, earlier in my Schematic editor, during drawing schematic, i could not able to change pmos or nmos devices SIZE(width). I noticed that all CDF parameters of pmos/nmos (including width,length, model name,drain/source diffusion area etc) option was remained empty. It is because spectre was not enabled. So at first i checked under Option>Tool Filter.... and i enabled spectre. Then, it pops up all CDF parameters of nmos/pmos and allow me to change the width, based on my design requirements. And so far schematic editor is working fine. Only i'm facing this problem during layout.

Now my biggest fear is that, does spectre is not enabled in my layout mode? and that is why i am not seeing all those parameters in Edit Instance Properties in Layout in virtuoso 6.1.7-64b. Do you think that could a possible reason? if so, how can i resolve this issue.

Mr. Andrew big thanks!...this command/code {envSetVal("auCore.toolFilter" "defaultTools" 'string "spectre auCdl auLvs")} solve my issue. now i can change the nmos/pmos devices parameter in layout. its working fine.

We've been using DWMRC for years, since the 7.0 days. I was using 12.0 for awhile but recently updated to 12.1. Now every time I connect to anyones machine for support I get a very annoying nuisance pop up that never appeared before. It says "The remote system is using the same active keyboard layout as your local system. If keyboard layouts are likely to change, we suggested disabling keyboard translation support. Would you like to disable support? Yes / No". No matter what I click here the message keeps coming up if I connect to the same machine or different machine.

How can I get this very annoying and unproductive message to stop, without downgrading back to 12.0? I'm not even sure what this message is supposed to convey. As a user all I care about is that I can connect on quickly when needed. I could give two sh*ts about some kind of keyboard layout... that's really irrelevant IMO.

To get a sense of emerging responsive design layout patterns, I combed through all the examples curated on the Media Queries gallery site several times. I looked for what high-level patterns showed up most frequently and tried to avoid defining separate patterns where there were only small differences.

The most popular pattern was perhaps surprisingly simple: a multi-column layout that introduces larger margins on big screens, relies on fluid grids and images to scale from large screens down to small screen sizes, and stacks columns vertically in its narrowest incarnations (illustrated below).

I dubbed this pattern "mostly fluid" because the core structure of the layout really doesn't change until the smallest screen width. Instead, the design mostly relies on fluid grids to adapt to a variety of screen sizes. Here's a number of examples of this pattern in action:

Another popular pattern starts with a multi-column layout and ends up with a single column layout, dropping columns along the way as screen sizes get narrower. Unlike the Mostly Fluid pattern, the overall size of elements in this layout tend to stay consistent. Adapting to various screen sizes instead relies on stacking columns (illustrated below).

This pattern does the most to adapt across different screen sizes. That is, different layouts are used on large, medium, and small screens. Because this inherently requires more work, it seems to be less popular than the previous two patterns I outlined.

While the simplest form of adaptation, this pattern was also the least popular. Most likely because few companies have the luxury of brutally simple Web pages consisting of very few elements within a single column layout. For those blessed with such simplicity, multi-device adaptation can just be a few tiny tweaks to font sizes and image layout. ff782bc1db

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