But cannot find it anywhere. I've looked at all the files including the css, javascript and also sass files. Is there a method on the inspect elements that can accurately show me the code file? So far is seems to think it's in the index.html file..

It might be that the code does not exist in the source, it might have been generated on the fly with javascript, or the content might have been generated server side, possibly from a DB. If its a case of malformed html (no closing tags etc), it might also have been generated by the browser itself.

Inspect Element Download Code

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EDIT: To answer you question "Is there a method on the inspect elements that can accurately show me the code file?" No, there isnt, it can come from the above mentioned methods or other, and since youre not sharing the actual case all we can do to help is keep guessing

I am a newbie to web scraping. And I found that the codes from "view page source" and "inspect element" are different. I am using Chrome. I am wondering is there a way I can extract the code in "inspect element"?

True, as user110977 has said: The code in inspect element changes based on the [executed in browser] javascript of a page, that is why it is different.Basically you need a scripting language that will invoke a browser instance with all the javascript-evaluated code. Use any server side language (python, java, php...) that will run Selenium or PhantomJS for that.

No. Python is the server-side programming language, not executing any javascript of a scraped page. While the inspect element panel (more correct - browser developer tools) presents a javascript evaluated html code to developers. If you invoke a browser instance thru Selenium (or PyQt), that [virtual] browser will content all the javascript evaluated code. That's where you access the code that you need.

The only way to extract code from inspect element is line by line. The code in inspect element changes based on the javascript of the page which is why it is different. The code is also displayed the way the browser interprets the source code. For instance, sometimes incorrectly nested elements will be nested correctly by the browser and shown in the developer tools.

I'm trying to modify the CSS styles applied to my form. I have output CSS turned ON in the form settings. Using Chrome inspect element, I find the code I need to modify, but those code snippets do not exist in my CSS file.

When customizing the look and feel of forms using CSS you should never edit the Gravity Forms CSS file itself. What you need to do is inspect the elements and see what styles you need to apply and then add your custom styles to your themes stylesheet.

so you're saying that the css i'm seeing with "inspect element" is in the gravity forms css file, which i should not edit, and which is why i can't find it in my theme's css file, right? can you clarify how the gravity forms css file is modifying my form if i haven't uploaded it? sorry, my particular theme came with some gforms selectors, so I'd love some clarification.

That example shows that the CSS in the inspector starts on line 231 of the main.css file. The Gravity Forms CSS file is forms.css and is in the plugins/gravityforms/css folder. HOWEVER as we mentioned you shouldn't edit this file. All customizations should be added to your themes stylesheet to target and override Gravity Forms styles.

(also I havent found one yet but if theres a video of how to read the Style section of Inspect Element and undersand what elements and their CSS to select and would be very helpful. But NOT temporarily / on the fly edits, actual permanent changes to the site, that would be a big help too).

There is a web page which disabled mouse right click. When I right click on an element on that page with mouse nothing happens. I wanted to open the "inspect element" panel to have a look at the HTML code of some part of the page; but I couldn't since right click was disabled.

There wouldn't be many ways to do it if the administrator had blocked access to inspect element. One method i'm familiar with is removing Java-script or copying the source code then modifying it to run inspect element only if there is valid info on that site.

The inspector is telling you it's directly in the rendered HTML view the source of the page directly with ctrl+u and look for where that CSS is, probably inside the tag, and take a look at what the surrounding code is like which can help find it when looking through theme files.

In this article, you will learn how to open the Chrome Developer Tools so you can get access to the Inspect feature, and how to inspect specific elements on a website. I will also show you how you can manipulate the elements of a website by changing the texts and styles.

This article showed you how to get access to the Developer tools of Google Chrome, how to use its Inspect feature to view the source code of a website, and how to change the elements and styles of a website with it.

If you just started learning to code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the Inspect feature of Chrome Dev tools is a powerful tool you can use to view the source code of any website so that you can learn about how they are built.

I have not seen this mentioned here, so hope I'm not making a duplicate on accident!

Anyway, I discovered this by accident when being lazy from frustration at the code editor.

Hope you find this just as time saving and useful!

NOTE: There are code elements that work in preview editor, but not in the profile. Be sure to check known bugs as well as your saved profile to be sure it transfers over correctly! Some simply just do not work in profiles for now.

So you just added a code to your character's profile. Awesome. But wait, the code editor is difficult to read and on top of that, if you are not in full screen view, the scroll bar jumps to the top when you edit anything vs stay where your cursor is. What a pain.

Thankfully here is a solution! Not only is it easier on the eyes, but it is also much easier to edit!

What's even better? The changes you make to the profile content here SAVES! Usually this is just for viewing and temporarily fiddling with the code, but here it saves what you did!

Say hello to Inspect Element! That is what it is called in Firefox, Chrome as the same thing just under a different name.

When you right-click on any part of a page, you will see an option towards the bottom called "Inspect Element" This will bring up a window at the bottom of the page showing you the source code of the page, specifically jumping to the part of the code containing the area you right-clicked.

See how much nicer that looks! That is from the Profile Editor with one of the free layout codes I made

I will be going over each part of this feature here. Sorry if you already know most of this stuff.

The part in dark blue is what I have selected. The light blue shows when my mouse is hovering over the div to show where it ends. Also, when your cursor is hovering over a node (element), you will get a nice highlight on the page showing you were it is.

The text that pops up on it reveals basic information about the node selected. Including it's current dimensions.

The blue area is the active area, this is where you input will appear and the space it takes up.

The purple area shows the padding of the element. Padding goes into the dimensions of the element.

The yellow area shows the margin of the element. Margins go in the area outside of the element.

Without the highlights, you will see that the blue and purple filled the text edit area, while the yellow was outside of it.

To put it simply, paddings push internal elements in while margins push external element away.

You can see a clearer picture of the layers of this with border included on the right of the source code under the Computed tab.

First things first. Make sure you are right-clicking to correct element node!

This is very important to be sure the code will be where you want it!

Blue pastes INSIDE the element node, Pink pastes OUTSIDE the element node, Green pastes as the element node.

Inner HTML- Replaces ALL elements within the selected with what is being pasted. You can easily paste the raw code text into the editor this way. Make sure you are right-clicking the text area editor node, as seen above.

Outer HTML- Replaces selected node with what you have copied. Good for if you edited a node that has duplicates and you wish to replace all the others.

Before- Pastes the copied directly above the selected element node. If it is inside another node, so will be what was pasted.

After- Pastes the copied directly under the selected element node. It will not go inside of it, just be placed under it.

As First Child- Pastes the copied on top of whatever else is inside the element node.

As Last Child- Pastes the copied under everything that is already inside the element node.

Attributes are things like class="" or style="". They are located next to the node of an element. Here 

These can be selected or right-clicked for the attribute options.

The black dots are around the attribute that I selected. From here I can right-click for the options, or I can just use keyboard functions while it's selected. ctrl-c or cmd-c to copy it, double click to edit it, delete to delete it, and to add a new one double click the space behind the last > liked so:

This is a very easy process. I could not get a screenshot of it, but it can be explained.

Simply select the node you wish to move, and drag it.

This can get a bit disorienting since the code will collapse as if the node is no longer there while your holding it.

The original position will be marked with a grey line and the new with a golden line as you drag it around.

It is advised that you have the node you are dragging be collapsed to avoid confusion. ff782bc1db

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