Department of ECE

Novel Teaching-Learning process has a pivotal role in improving the quality of education, enhancing employability and accomplishing the goals of the individuals that will contribute to the nation’s growth. Apart from the conventional teaching method, the current and next generation students expect innovative methods of teaching such as multimedia-oriented tools, problem-based learning and usage of various e-learning tools for better visualization and deeper understanding. The innovative and creative methods of teaching processes highly focus on attaining the course outcomes and to surge the students to be ready for the future, better equipped to solve complex multidisciplinary problems, able to bring fresh perspectives to global challenges, and motivated to become leaders in their chosen field.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering aims at implementing various teaching methodologies that cater to the needs of the students as part of the curriculum. The following are some of the approaches which have been identified and implemented throughout the semester.


Real time prototypes are designed by a team of faculty members (Special Interest Groups) for each course that is being offered in the current semester. These prototypes aids in quick absorption and assimilation of the concepts. 

MATLAB simulation models which closely emulate a real-time scenario are developed for courses like Signals and Systems, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, and Digital Communication which are offered for second- and third-year students.

The following are the key areas for which MATLAB based simulation models are developed and disseminated to the students during regular classes for obtaining a clear picture of theory courses.


Department of ECE continues to impart quality technical knowledge to students using the following initiatives for application-oriented teaching learning process. 

2.1. Hands-on Experimentation using myRIO Student Embedded Device

Embedded systems course comprises of sections on ARM-CORTEX Processors. Students were engaged in Hands-on Experimentation using myRIO Student Embedded Device which are purchased utilizing funds received from AICTE-MODROBS Scheme. The myRIO‑1900 is used to teach and implement multiple design concepts with one reconfigurable I/O (RIO) device. Featuring I/O on both sides of the device in the form of MXP and MSP connectors, it includes 10 analog inputs, six analog outputs, 40 digital I/O lines, WiFi, LEDs, a push button, an onboard accelerometer, a Xilinx FPGA, and a dual‐core ARM Cortex‑A9 processor. We can program the myRIO‑1900 with LabVIEW or C. This WiFi-enabled version allows for fast and easy integration into remote embedded applications. With its onboard devices, seamless software experience, and library of courseware and tutorials, the myRIO‑1900 provides an affordable tool that helps students and educators complete real engineering projects in one semester.

2.2. State of the art Demonstrations for EDFA

Students doing a course on optical communication are exposed to the state-of-the-art developments in the area of photonics by live demonstrations of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) which are procured through funds received from AICTE-MODROBS Scheme.


The course instructors utilize a customized software applet like Java based applets for making the students to understand the complex concepts which involves visualizing a virtual concept. Learners can tune several parameters provided in the applet to gain broader insight on the subjects which require additional efforts from teaching and learning communities. JAVA applets are employed for the following courses


Faculty members have prepared a handful of lecture videos and uploaded those videos in their YouTube channels. These videos serve as a last mile support for students who have missed out their regular classes.