In a written or published work, an initial[a] is a letter at the beginning of a word, a chapter, or a paragraph that is larger than the rest of the text. The word is derived from the Latin initialis, which means standing at the beginning. An initial is often several lines in height and in older books or manuscripts are known as "inhabited" initials. Certain important initials, such as the Beatus initial or "B" of Beatus vir... at the opening of Psalm 1 at the start of a vulgate Latin. These specific initials in an illuminated manuscript were also called initiums.

In the present, the word "initial" commonly refers to the first letter of any word or name, the latter normally capitalized in English usage and is generally that of a first given name or a middle one or ones.

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In the very early history of printing, the typesetters would leave blank the necessary space, so that the initials could be added later by a scribe or miniature painter. Later initials were printed using separate blocks in woodcut or metalcut techniques.

The initials are morphologically classified: the rubricated letter (red); the epigraphic letter, imitating ancient Roman majuscules; the figurated initial (usually in miniatures); the historiated initial, that gives spatial support to scenes of a narrative character; etc.

The initial may sit on the same baseline as the first line of text, at the same margin, as it does here. This is the easiest to typeset on a computer, including in HTML. An example follows (using Lorem ipsum nonsense text):

Alternatively, the initial may be in the left margin, with the text indented, as shown here. In word processors and HTML, this may be implemented using a table with two cells, one for the initial and one for the rest of the text. The difference between this and a true drop cap may be seen when the text extends below the initial. For example:

With a drop cap, the initial sits within the margins and runs several lines deep into the paragraph, indenting some normal-sized text in these lines. This keeps the left and top margins of the paragraph flush.

An inhabited initial is an initial, an enlarged letter at the beginning of a paragraph or other section of text that contains an illustration of human or animal figures within the letter. It is similar to a historiated initial (see below); however, the figures in historiated initials show an identifiable scene or story, while the figures in inhabited initials do not show a narrative.[4] Figures in inhabited initials may be related to the contents of the text, but do not have to be. They may be purely decorative instead.[5]

The size and decoration of the initial further gives clues to both its importance and location. Letters that began a new section of a text or a particularly noteworthy section might receive more flourishes and space. They would also provide a visual point of reference, "marking the division of the text into books, chapters, paragraphs and sometimes even verses" since, due to the cost of parchment, the modern convention that a new section will begin on a new page had not emerged.[7] In luxury manuscripts an entire page might be devoted to a historiated initial.[8]

Both the size and the ostentatiousness of a manuscript reflect both on the status of the manuscript and on its owner. Manuscripts meant for everyday use, typically by friars or university students, often had little illumination, and hardly any elaborate historiated initials or flourishes. Manuscripts commissioned by wealthy patrons or for a wealthy monastery were often illuminated, and in gold or silver rather than pen and ink.

The initial CSS keyword applies the initial (or default) value of a property to an element. It can be applied to any CSS property, including the CSS shorthand property all. With all set to initial, all CSS properties can be restored to their respective initial values in one go instead of restoring each one separately.

This section outlines the steps required to create a case in E-Verify and the initial case results provided by E-Verify. For additional guidance specific to E-Verify employer agents, see the Supplemental Guide for E-Verify Employer Agents.

IS200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training. This course provides training on, and resources for, personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS. 

The Emergency Management Institute developed its ICS courses collaboratively with:

If you are seeking initial teacher certification in Texas you must contact an approved educator preparation program. If you are seeking initial educational aide certification, you must obtain a recommendation from a Texas school district.

The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution. Here we report the results of an international collaboration to produce and make freely available a draft sequence of the human genome. We also present an initial analysis of the data, describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the sequence.

Initial Access consists of techniques that use various entry vectors to gain their initial foothold within a network. Techniques used to gain a foothold include targeted spearphishing and exploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers. Footholds gained through initial access may allow for continued access, like valid accounts and use of external remote services, or may be limited-use due to changing passwords.

The initial accreditation process is a rigorous review that involves peers from business schools, committees, and AACSB staff. The initial accreditation process follows the successful completion and approval of the eligibility application for business accreditation. Initial accreditation includes a thorough review of the information submitted with the eligibility application, a mentor visit, the development and approval of an initial self-evaluation report (iSER), subsequent updates to the iSER, submission of the final self-evaluation report, and peer review team visit. Once a school achieves initial accreditation, it enters the continuous improvement review phase, undergoing a peer review every five years.

I frequently found myself willing to almost intentionally burn my initial access (or at the very least risk it) for the trade-off of gaining information. In my experience, with the correct information, getting back in is almost never an issue.

More often than not, I find myself targeting clients utilizing Entra ID (Azure AD) to manage users, services, and licenses. As a result, phishing Microsoft Office 365 accounts as a means of initial access has become very common. With each successful phishing campaign, I'm gaining access to a relatively flat stack of services, including Teams, Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, and SharePoint. While this initial access might sound insignificant, these are all gold mines in terms of information. I cannot understate how absolutely amazing end-users are at storing sensitive information where they should not. Plaintext passwords? Throw them in Outlook notes or maybe OneNote if there are so many. Passports, Driver's, or marriage licenses? I better keep those in my OneDrive. What was the password to that service again? - asked every colleague ever via Teams.

ROADtools by @_dirkjan is THE go-to tool once you get initial access to an Entra ID tenant. From general tenant enumeration, token manipulation, PRT injection, claims enrichment, and device enrollment, one of its most powerful features, in my opinion, is the possibility to authenticate from almost any context: passwords, certificates, cookies, Kerberos tickets, access tokens, PRT, you name it! The RoadTX library within ROADtools is the most relevant for our usage, as it allows us to authenticate using our stolen cookies and retrieve a fresh set of JWT tokens.

If it can be automated, it should be automated! To that extent, I wrote myself a handy Python script called Bobber. Bobber will monitor a given Evilginx database file for changes, and if a valid Evilginx session complete with a captured cookie is found, Bobber will utilize the ROADtools RoadTX library to retrieve the access token and refresh token for the user, then optionally trigger TeamFiltration to exfiltrate all the sweet, sweet loot. Bobber supports monitoring a local file path or a file path on a remote host through SSH. I have found this particularly helpful, as infrastructure is separated, and extended post-initial access activity is typically performed from a dedicated host.

While TeamFiltration is my highly biased pick, there is a long list of other Entra ID-targeted tooling that abuses token-based authentication for post-initial-access activities. Below is a cheat sheet on how to use the .roadtools_auth file to get up and running with some of them. Since most tools are either PowerShell based or ran from a Windows system, the cheatsheet is all PowerShell based.

When a company goes IPO, it needs to list an initial value for its new shares. This is done by the underwriting banks that will market the deal. In large part, the value of the company is established by the company's fundamentals and growth prospects. Because IPOs may be from relatively newer companies, they may not yet have a proven track record of profitability. Instead, comparables may be used. However, supply and demand for the IPO shares will also play a role on the days leading up to the IPO. 0852c4b9a8

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