Ingrid Hjort

Photo: BI/Brovold

Main affiliation 

Economist and postdoctoral fellow at BI Norwegian Business School, Department of Economics, campus Oslo. 

Ingrid has a PhD in economics, from University of Oslo (UiO). She was a visiting researcher at Columbia University, Earth Institute, NYC, during the academic year 2017-2018.  Her research interests are within cost benefit analysis, environmental economics and public health. The research is related to public policy problems, regulating negative externalities and sustaining global public goods.  

Governmental committees and working groups:

Other affiliations:



Member, expert committee evaluating perspectives in health priorities. See the report here (link)

Secretariat, Koronautvalget NOU 2023: 16 (link), June 2022 - June 2023

Senior lecturer (førstelektor) at UiO, Spring 2023, ECON 1922 Environmental Economics and Climate Policy.


Senior advisor at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health/Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), July 2021-May 2022 (20%). 

Member, expert committee evaluating the economic and social cost of the pandemic, lead by Professor Steinar Holden (UiO), Jan 2022-March 2022. See the reports here

Senior lecturer (førstelektor) at UiO, Spring 2022, ECON 2920 Environment and Natural Resource Economics


Member of the expert committee evaluating the use of vector-based covid-19 vaccines, see the report here. 

Senior advisor at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health/Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), interim team leader for establishing the new cost benefit analysis unit, May 2021-July 2021 (100%).

Senior advisor at the Norwegian Ministry of Finance/Finansdepartementet April 2020-April 2021, and head of the secretariat in the expert committee lead by Professor Steinar Holden (UiO) on economic evaluations on covid-19 infection prevention and control, see the report here

Senior lecturer (førstelektor) at UiO, Spring 2021, ECON 4910 Environmental Economics.