Genetic Counseling
Schedule your 15 min. complementary genetic risk assessment today.
In order to support your primary care and specialist care teams, we provide pretest genetic counseling and post genetic counseling services for a variety of genetic disorders including psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions, autism, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia, aneurysm, ophthalmologic conditions, hearing loss, and more. We also provide consultation services in follow up to direct-to-consumer and pharmacogenomic testing.
Patient Fee for Service Schedule
15 Minute complementary risk assessment
$30 per 30 minute session
The average appointment is 45-60 min.
Physician and Clinic Support Service Fee Option
We are excited to offer options to partner with providers seamlessly to serve their patient populations.
For physicians/clinics with sustained predictable genetic counseling needs, we offer a fee schedule for blocks of time to be covered.
For physicians/clinics with less frequent or unpredictable genetic counseling needs, we offer a monthly or yearly subscription fee with more flexible scheduling for your patients.
Genetic Genealogy
Schedule your complementary 15 minute consultation today.
Ancestry testing can sometimes bring forth questions or concerns we didn't know we had. Conversely, some of us have spent our lives asking questions about our biological ancestry or searching for relatives we were separated from . Genetic genealogy can help us make sense of our ancestry testing, especially when using relative match programs. Let us help in your ancestry and relative investigations and projects.
Genetic Genealogy Project Pricing
Consultation for interpretation of direct to consumer testing or initial follow up explanation to relative match information and results from ancestry testing is $30 per 30 min session.
Larger Genetic Genealogy Projects or investigation are priced out based on an hourly fee for the time to needed to complete the project. The client also will be responsible for any fees needed to access or copy documentation or vital records from government or other record agencies. Please contact us for a free quote on your project.
Scientific Content and Speaking Engagements
We provide further project management services including scientific content curation, scientific content editing, consulting services for research, and group engagement or speaking events.
Fees related to other services
Speaking engagements $100 per hour + travel fees if applicable. *These fees do not apply to public educational institutions or non-for-profit organizations.
Other projects related to scientific content development, editing, engagement activity development, research, etc. is priced per project. Please, contact us for your free quote.
Serving the Community
Services are provided primarily via telephone or video conference. Thus, we are able to provide services to wide geographic area. Due to state and federal laws, we currently focus our genetic counseling services specifically to the communities across Missouri, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. However, we are happy to take requests and work on expanding services as resources allow.