Information Retrieval (CS60092)
Accompanying website for the course on "Information Retrieval" for Autumn 2024-25
[NEW] Assignment-3 is now available. [Link] Deadline for submission is 11:59 PM 10/11/2024.
This is a research-oriented course that would require students to understand several CS research papers. There will be a term project that needs to be done using Python/Java. It is advisable to take this course only if you have the necessary background (see below).
Plagiarism in any form -- copying from other students or from online resources -- will be severely penalized.
Niloy Ganguly (Email:
Animesh Mukherjee (Email:
Teaching Assistants
Siddharth Jaiswal (
Sarthak Roy (
Class Timings and Venue
Monday 11:00--11:55
Tuesday 08:00--09:55
Classroom: NC 121, Nalanda complex
Pre-requisites for the course
Data structures and algorithms
Probability and Statistics
Basics of Machine Learning
Basics of Natural Language Processing
Basics of Graph algorithms
Programming in Python/Java (there will be a programming-based term project)
Course Evaluation [Final]
Mid-semester exam: 20%
End-semester exam: 40%
Assignments (programming-based): 20%
Attendance: 20%
Broad topics
Boolean retrieval
Term vocabulary & postings lists
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval
Scoring, term weighting & the vector space model
Evaluation in information retrieval
Index construction
Index compression
Relevance feedback & query expansion
Probabilistic information retrieval
Language models for information retrieval
Web crawling and Web search
Link analysis -- HITS, PageRank
Domain-specific IR
Fairness in IR
Text and Reference Literature
Research papers and reading materials to be pointed out in class