Group: Transient Pulsed Plasmas and Complex Plasmas

Transient Pulsed Plasmas and Complex Plasmas Group

Ph.D. Andreea Liliana Groza (F),  CSII (Senior Scientific Researcher Second Degree), PhD since 2006, from Low-Temperature Plasma Laboratory (260 Laboratory) of the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics. Her experience is in the field of pulsed and RF plasmas, atmospheric pressure discharges, optical emission spectroscopy and electrical characterisation of pulsed plasmas, glow discharge - mass spectrometry, morphological and structural analysis of calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite layers generated by different techniques on polymer and metallic substrates. The scientific articles published in these research areas, the national and international patents, attest to this experience and the national and international projects in which she has been involved since 1998. Dr. A. Groza is the author of 50 ISI-published articles, two international patent applications, 5 national patent applications, more than 500 citations, and a Hirsch index =15. She participates as a key person in 5 international projects.