Infinite Pie

There's always enough for everyone

Featured Books

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These books are for free download

Inch Time Foot Gem.pdf
40 Verses or Reality with comments - 2021.pdf
Tale of Yellow Path Booklet.pdf
Who am I with comments.pdf

Advaita Vedanta/Ramana Maharshi

Click on book to open or download

Paul Brunton meets Ramana Maharshi.pdf
Papaji first meeting with Ramana.pdf
Four Foundations of Mindfulness Course booklet.pdf
The Four Means Six Virtues and Four Mahavakyas.pdf

Zen and Ch'an Buddhist

Bankei Zen.pdf
The Heart Sutra.pdf
Spiritual poems of Hanshan.pdf
The 10 Bulls.pdf

Books on Tamil Culture by Richard Clarke

Bangle Ceremony.pdf
A Tamil Boy’s First Haircut.pdf
A Tamil Death Ceremony.pdf
Tamil Villages - The Ancient Heart.pdf

Books from Richard Clarke, Carol Johnson and Family

Direct Experience booklet.pdf
50 years of spiritual practice.pdf
Clarke Family Stories.pdf
Tunisia Campaign BW.pdf