What to Expect


I am very happy to have you here.

To make the most of our treatments together, I've compiled this letter to answer common questions or concerns you may have about our treatments.

How does reflexology work?

Reflexology points are specific areas on the body just beyond the surface of the skin. They have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatic vessels, and capillaries. When pressure is applied to the point, it stimulates the sensory capillaries, which in turn stimulates the nerve, which then transmits impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.

This complex system of interactions (often called a “feedback loop”) between the brain, hormones, and glands is responsible for regulating a number of bodily processes. Because reflexology helps to regulate the various feedback loops in your body, it actually allows your body to heal itself.

How often should you schedule appointments in order to get the highest value out of your treatments?

Reflexology works cumulatively, and it is very rare that one treatment is all you will need to feel better. It is essential to get treatments close to each other at first because each treatment gains momentum on the last. If treatments are spaced too far apart, we can lose momentum on the progress we've made through treatments. Generally, once or twice a week is beneficial for the first few weeks. Then every other week or every few weeks granted you keep up with home exercises.

Each person responds differently, so we usually won't know exactly how many treatments you will need until we've gone through a few sessions in much the same way as physical therapy or a course of chiropractic care. A typical treatment course for chronic conditions may be around 10-12 treatments in 6 weeks, and for acute conditions it may look like 6 treatments in 4 weeks.

Every treatment builds upon the last so I expect you to feel progressively better with each treatment. It is also important to schedule a session immediately if you ever start to feel yourself “backsliding,” and your next scheduled appointment isn't for a couple of days or longer.

Generally, we will be able to space treatments further and further apart as long as you keep steadily improving with each treatment and stay at that level between visits to the clinic. Monthly maintenance sessions are recommended every 4-6 weeks to keep your body in a healthy, joyful and balanced state.

What to wear:

Loose, comfortable clothing is always best for treatments, as it provides you with complete relaxation. Feel free to wear pajamas to your treatment, if those are what you feel most comfortable in.

If you are unable to wear loose clothing, sheets and blankets are available to cover up, should you need to remove constricting clothing for treatment.

What to Expect:

Side effects of reflexology are infrequent, but they can occur. They also tend to be very mild if they do occur. The most common side effects are explained below.


While most people notice a marked improvement in their symptoms following reflexology, some feel worse before they start feeling better. This is sometimes referred to as a “healing crisis.” Because reflexology works to get you “unstuck,” dormant physical issues can get stirred up in the process. As these issues are brought to our awareness, we will address them in the clinic so they can be handled and healed.

It is also very possible to feel wiped out after reflexology. Reflexology is powerful, and when things are moving...your body gets tired. This is never a cause for concern, and the best thing to do is re-fuel with nourishing snacks, fresh water, and relaxation time.


Body parts where pressure is applied can feel sore afterwards. Soreness from reflexology typically dissipates within 24 hours. However, big trigger point releases can cause residual soreness that lasts a few days. Make sure to drink water after your session to assist your cells in their cleansing process.

Emotional Release

It is very possible to cry during or after reflexology. Along with the physical parts of you becoming “unstuck,” emotions become free-flowing as well. The emotional release that can happen in reflexology is often unexpected, but it is generally a very positive experience.

Feeling emotional during or after a treatment is a sign that the reflexology is working in the emotional/mental department. Even if you're seeking reflexology for a physical ailment, increased emotional expression is an indication that healing is happening. From a holistic perspective, physical and emotional health are interconnected, so emotional shifts suggest positive physical changes as well. You're safe here to express yourself. This is a non-judgment zone.

While these side effects are rarely cause for concern, you know your body best. If any of these side effects feel like they're too severe, too uncomfortable, or lasting too long---or if you notice any additional negative reactions to your treatment---please let me know.

I know you have many options when it comes to your health, so thank you for letting me be on your team!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns before the next time we see each other, please don't hesitate to contact me.

To your good health,

