
My Drawception profile.

Device: Lenovo ThinkPad (Yoga 11e Chromebook). I've had it for about five years.

I use my fingers on the touchscreen of my laptop. It is a touchscreen with rather low resolution and low sensitivity, which makes drawing straight lines a bit easier (with relatively steady hands of course) :)

Videos of me playing Drawception or drawing in the Drawception sandbox.

This is a compilation of videos of me drawing panels, for those of you who are interested in how I draw or just want to watch me poke at my laptop's touchscreen. A majority of these are time-lapses with no audio, and they are filmed using my phone.

Any suggestions are welcome, whether they are suggestions for improving my drawings or for improving my videos, and you can comment below!

(Also, please do let me know if something on this site isn't loading, doesn't work properly, or looks strange.)
