Land Acknowledgment
Land Acknowledgment is:
Land acknowledgements provide us with an opportunity to offer recognition and respect to the original inhabitants of the regions that we live in and work on and build our own relationship with the land.
Land acknowledgment Example:
Place Based Land Acknowledgment Lesson Ideas
Students completed a place-based mediation and journal exercise to encourage them to connect with the land.
Students were instructed to visualize their special place, using all 5 senses. The drama program of study uses visualization as an acting outcome.
Students are then instructed to "Tell me about your special place" in their drama journal.
Using a scripted format students first made a land acknowledgment for their own special place and then the Treaty 7.
Land Acknowledgment Resources
The following video was used to teach students about the people and the values that land acknowledgment hopes to respect. This video was created by the Calgary foundation as a way to further support reconcillation.
Post Video Questions:
Which groups do we honour with a land acknowledgment?
Why do Indigenious groups value from the land?
What could we learn from this?