7 Grandfather Teachings

This section includes an explanation and resource for teachers to embrace the 7 Grandfather teachings in their classroom. This resource works best when setting up a new group's expectations and understanding of the drama room.

What are the 7 Grandfather Teachings?

The 7 grandfather teachings are guiding principles that act as a moral stepping stone and cultural foundation for many Indigenous groups. These teachings can also be a guiding principle for classroom culture. These teachings focus on community and connection, important foundations of the drama room.


7 Grandfather Teaching

Learn More

The following links include more information on the background of the 7 grandfather teachings. Special thanks to the Southern Network for their images and definitions, which helped me to create my drama resource.



Manitowabi, S. (n.d.). The Seven Grandfather Teachings – Historical and Contemporary Realities: Movement Towards Reconciliation. Pressbooks. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/movementtowardsreconciliation/chapter/the-seven-grandfather-teachings/#:%7E:text=The%20Seven%20Grandfather%20teachings%20are,Honesty%2C%20Humility%2C%20and%20Truth