Indian Creek

Property Owners Association

Having fun making friends and protecting our property values. 

ICPOA is Indian Creek Property Owners Association. 

President Toni Moore: (919) 624-7641,

Vice-President Diane Luetkenhaus: (303) 671-6440,

Secretary Jenn Chaney: (719) 244-3328,

Treasurer Bob Perry: (719) 748-9023, (719) 352-7575,

Member at Large John Rakowski: (719) 748-3861,

Committee Chairperson for Fire Mitigation: Mark Waldo, (720) 837-7485

Having fun making friends and protecting our property values. 

Indian Creek Property Owners Association

P. O. Box 111, Florissant, Colorado 80816,


President Toni Moore: (919) 624-7641,

Vice-President Diane Luetkenhaus: (303) 887-6882,

Secretary Jenn Chaney: (719) 244-3328,

Treasurer Bob Perry: (719) 352-7575,

Member at Large John Rakowski: (719) 748-3861,


ICPOA Member Meeting Minutes 8-24-24

·        Indian Creek Property Owners Association

·        PO Box 111, Florissant, Colorado 80816,

·        President Toni Moore (919) 624-7641

·        Treasurer Mark Strange (719) 748-1073

·        Member at Large John Rakowski (719) 748-3861

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm at the Florissant Library conference room, followed by the pledge of allegiance and reading of the ICPOA mission statement. A challenge was issued by Toni Moore to reach out to neighbors about our POA and what it can do for members, adding value is important. The ICPOA is a volunteer organization, designed to keep members updated with important information about the community and welcome new residents to the area.

Toni explained the hallmark of any organization is cultivating leadership. Being an ICPOA leader doesn’t take a lot of effort or time with only 3 official meetings per year. There are other ways to be involved with your community (special district) friends of the library, library district board, and Florissant Fire Protection District board as some are 2 year and 4 year terms. It would be good to have one of our members to be a part of this board as there is a large budget for serving our community and maintaining transparency is important.

ICPOA t-shirts are on sale for $20 with Don Moore appropriately modeling one for everyone to see.

There was a motion made by Laura and seconded by Debbie to accept the official minutes of the last meeting.

Mark Strange gave the Treasurer's report: Checking $15905.41 - NoFloCo portion $12014.44 = $3890.97, Savings $5222.12 Total $9113.09.

Present the slate of the board members for election:

President - Toni Moore

Vice President - Diane Luetkenhaus

Secretary - Jenn Chaney

Treasurer - Bob Perry

Member at Large - John Rakowski


As the board members ran unopposed, a motion was made by John and seconded by Danny to accept the roster of board members as stated. The vote was taken, and it was unanimously accepted.


A motion was made to have John Rakowski and Bob Perry as the signers on the ICPOA bank accounts at Park State Bank, to have Bob Perry get a debit card for the checking account, and to remove all other signers on the account (Sherri – the former president who now lives in AZ, and Mark, outgoing Treasurer). The motion was made by Rob and seconded by Danny. The vote was unanimously accepted.

Donations for 2024 to causes that benefit the POA members and our community: Pikes Peak Historical Society $100, Teller County Regional Animal Shelter $150, Divide Fire Protection District $200, Florissant Fire Protection District $200, Lake George Fire Protection District $200, Friends of Florissant Library $200, Lake George Public Library $200, VFW Post 11411 $100, and Little Chapel Food Pantry increase from $100 to $150, for a total of $1500.

The ARF disbanded last year and returned the check from 2023. A suggestion was made to put the money back in the account for dumpster day’s expenses in 2025.

A motion to approve the donations as listed was made by Jeanette Z. and seconded by Laura Strange and passed unanimously.

NoFloCo (North Florissant, Colorado) grew out of the ICPOA, starting with 2 volunteers, has grown to 600. The N.I.C.E. (Non-compliant Indian Creek Estates) committee informs property owners to follow Teller County and Colorado State requirements. Don’t just complain, it’s up to the ICPOA members to contact the board by email to report speeders, noise, trash collecting on properties, etc. We offer to assist and will eventually report the problem to code enforcement if the property owner is unwilling to solve the problem, even with community assistance.

Most property owners do the right thing when they know what the right thing is. The property on Vagabond was contacted about a water usage concern. Don Moore contacted the property owners and they were unaware of the regulation. Approaching issues can make a big difference in the neighborhood. The dilapidated trailer on Wild Horn is now gone, the tiny home property is now gone. The encampment just before Kiowa was discussed. These issues have to go through code enforcement with documentation of what has been done by our community to solve the issue, don’t just call the sheriff, as that is not going to get the issues solved.

The next NoFloCo event is October 26th with 3 connecting properties at Kiowa and Fossil Creek in our subdivision.  Creating pods of mitigated properties will make our entire community safer in the event of a wildfire. A 20 foot tall purple tube man on the worksite will help people find the project site within neighborhoods. There have been 161 projects completed, 362 assessments, 268 acres mitigated, 296 cords of wood donated, and 7.6 billion BTU’s removed from the forest. Wednesday the FFPD adopted NoFloCo’s format for home assessments. Don Moore sends each assessment to the fire chief. It has been proven that trees don’t catch houses on fire, houses catch trees on fire. Don Moore has been asked to present on Sept 24th to the real estate association and the CO rotary association. A class will be held Sept 13 at the Woodland Park Library at 5:30 pm on protecting one’s home from wildland fire.

NoFloCo thanks ICPOA for their support. A $2,500 grant from Cruise above the Cloud is coming to support NoFloCo, which is the largest volunteer fire mitigation group in the USA.  NoFloCo can be separated from ICPOA if that becomes necessary. John Rakowski explained 10-15 years ago a fire mitigation survey was conducted but a concerted effort fell apart due to a lack of volunteers. Toni Moore reaches out regularly to the Valley High and Florissant Heights neighborhoods.  Indian Creek encompasses part of Divide, Florissant, and Lake George, so our POA can show leadership in the area if we choose to.

Toni Moore would like to host a new resident welcome reception on Sept 17 from 5:30 to 7 pm by sending out a postcard inviting them to stop by, enjoy light snacks, receive a packet of information, and a gift. Mark Strange made a motion to approve the new resident procedure, Danny provided a second, and it unanimously passed.

Meeting adjourned at 402 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenn Chaney, Secretary

Second Annual Subdivision Wide Dumpster Days: June 8 & 9,  2024:  8 am to 7 pm (Saturday), and noon to 6 pm (Sunday)

1045 Pathfinder Road, Florissant. Watch for directional signs with orange streamers.

Our Second Annual ICPOA yard sale day is the first weekend in June 2024 followed by Dumpster Days the second weekend of June 2024.

Some places to "bless others" with the things you did not sell, but do not want to store, are Goodwill, Ark, Salvation Army, Aspen Mine Center, Facebook pages that are "Free Stuff" pages, and Craigslist Free.

The follow-up "Dumpster Days" in Indian Creek is a service being offered for the second time here in the neighborhood. ICPOA wants to be a valuable and relevant part of our community. We want to assist those with trash, broken items, and other things that need to be disposed of, in the hope that we will all work to keep our properties more lovely and clear of trash and clutter. 

Dumpster Days are for paid-up current members of the POA. If you are not a member of the Indian Creek Property Owners Association (ICPOA) we hope you will decide to join our voluntary, friendly, and helpful POA. You can learn more about the POA at The cost to join is just $20 and you can join at the dumpsters next weekend.

We need volunteers to assist with covering the times the dumpsters will be available. Volunteers will accept donations of cash to cover the cost of the dumpsters, and to ensure that none of the "prohibited" items go in the dumpsters. Contact us at 919-624-7641 or ICPOAssociation@gmail .com if you are available to help out. Let us know when you can assist, and we will fill in other open times.

Items NOT ALLOWED:  Items containing refrigerants, hazardous waste items, asbestos, chemicals, batteries, oil, paint, tires or other items that are corrosive, explosive, flammable, radioactive, volatile; bio-hazardous, bio medical, infectious or toxic. Concrete, dirt, tile, rock, brick, asphalt shingles, manure and other excessively heavy items are also not allowed, without first discussing “special instructions” with us for these items. Generally, containers cannot be filled beyond half full with excessively heavy items. 

If you have "forbidden" items, there is a Teller/El Paso Counties recyling center that accepts debris called El Paso County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. An appointment is required. Google them and call for more information. (719) 520-7878. 

Yard Sales June 1, 2024

The Indian Creek Property Owners Association invites you to participate in our voluntary property owner’s association if you own property in Indian Creek or immediately adjacent. Here is why: We represent the largest development area in Teller County, Colorado. ICPOA was incorporated under Colorado law in 1976 and we do not own property, handle land sales ,or advertise sales. Our members are from all over the nation, many are permanent residents, and others are planning on retiring or moving here in the future. Some members are using the investments made in land as a hedge against inflation.

We do not share our addresses or email lists with anyone else. ICPOA is a non-profit IRS 501 (C-4) organization. The officers are concerned members who donate their time and talents to the Association. It is not just “Social Club”, although there is an annual Pot Luck Dinner and other opportunities to socialize with your neighbors.

ICPOA traditionally hosts a dinner in June of each year, and Ice Cream Social in August. Our meetings help members meet neighbors. There are usually three meetings each year: February, June and August and are at the Florissant Grange (Old Schoolhouse) at 4 PM on those Saturdays. Newsletters are mailed each winter and as needed to help members keep up to date. If we have your email address we also send copies of Meeting Minutes or other timely news items.

Problems and concerns of our officers and members are no doubt similar to those you have in protecting your interests and investment here. Some areas in which we are trying to give help to our members are: increased law enforcement, better fire protection, improvements in road maintenance, emergency medical service, recognition and protection of property rights. We try to act as an avenue of communication with local, county and state government. Being sure our members stay informed of issues pertinent to them and their property here in Indian Creek is an important goal of ICPOA. Membership is particularly useful to non-resident landowners to be informed of happenings here.

ICPOA belongs to the Teller County Alliance of Property Owners Associations. That group was formed in 1989 to coordinate efforts of property owners in Teller County and to provide an organized forum for discussion and action on such matters as may be in the interest of the area.

The Association needs your support to continue serving Indian Creek and thanks you for your continued membership. We also invite you to become a member if you live in or near Indian Creek and, we hope, actively participate. Our annual $20 voluntary membership fee is a bargain to help keep you informed. To become a member or pay your dues for next year, send your current or changes to your property address, permanent address, email address, a personal check, and phone number along with a personal check for $20,  to: ICPOA, P.O. Box 111, Florissant, CO 80816, or email us at with the same information and pay the $21 fee via PayPal at the same email address: (PayPal charges a $1 fee unless you make the payment "friends and family" method). 

The Association needs your support to continue serving Indian Creek and thanks you for your continued membership. We also invite you to become a member if you live in or near Indian Creek and, we hope, actively participate. Our annual $20 voluntary membership fee is a bargain to help keep you informed. To become a member or pay your dues for next year, send your current or changes to you property address, permanent address, email address, a personal check, and phone number along with a personal check for $20,  to: ICPOA, P.O. Box 111, Florissant, CO 80816, or email us at with the same information and pay the $21 fee via PayPal at the same email address: (PayPal charges a $1 fee unless you make the payment "friends and family" method). 

Also consider joining the ICPOA non official Facebook Page for local info and updates. and our local Nextdoor Page: Indian Creek, Florissant, CO neighborhood | Nextdoor