India/Japan internal collaboration meeting on transients and supernovae
on Mar 20 - 28, 2023 (hybrid)
& workshop will be held on Mar 27
in Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center (HASC) at the Higashi-Hiroshima campus in Hiroshima University
Observational and theoretical studies based on multi-band, spectroscopic, polarimetric follow-up observations of remarkable/peculiar transient/supernovae discovered in recent high-frequency wide-field surveys are focused. In addition, we aim to build an organic and collaborative follow-up framework using 1-4m class telescopes among Japan and India.
Important supplement
The program will be flexible and fluid. We would like to take plenty of discussion and break time, and spend more time for future observations and data sharing. Also, since this is an internal meeting, we welcome students who want to have experience giving presentations in English. Please choose whether you would like to participate online or onsite.
Time table
The following schedule is almost fixed. We will allocate the plenty of the time for the closed local group (India/Hiroshima/Kyoto/Kagoshima) meeting during two weeks.
Closed collaboration meeting on Mar 20-24
< March 20 >
10:00-12:00 Ice breaking time : self intruduction 1
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-14:30 Discussion1 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
15:30-17:00 Discussion2 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
< March 22 >
10:00-12:00 Discussion3 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-14:30 Discussion4 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
15:30-17:00 Discussion5 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
< March 23 >
10:00-12:00 Discussion6 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
12:00-13:00 lunch
15:00-17:00 Kyoto University Okayama Astronomical Observatory Seimei Telescope visit and observation plan discussion
< March 24 >
Morning: Transfer to Higashi-Hiroshima
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-14:30 Discussion7 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
15:30-17:00 Discussion8 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes (closed)
Workshop on supernovae/transients
veneu: C212 (C-building, 2F)
< March 27 >
11:00-11:05 Introduction
11:05-11:25 MCO-EK relation of stripped envelope core-collapse supernovae inferred from nebular spectroscopic ── Qiliang Fang (Kyoto University)
11:25-11:45 Following-up Observation of Novae and other Transient Objects Using Seimei Telescope ── Kenta Taguchi (Kyoto University)
11:45-12:05 09dc-like Type Ia Supernovae── Devendra Sahu (IIA)
12:05-13:15 Lunch Break
13:15-13:35 Systematic investigation of CSM interaction signatures in Type II SNe ── Takashi Moriya (NAOJ)
13:35-13:55 Understanding Type II Progenitors with emphasis on Short Plateau SNe ── Rishabh Singh Teja (IIA)
13:55-14:15 Galactic Magnetic Field Studied by Recent Kanata/HONIR Polarimetric Survey ── Koji Kawabata (Hiroshima University)
14:15-14:35 2022crv : Type IIb with a Thin Hydrogen Envelope ── Anjasha Gangopadhyay (Hiroshima University)
14:35-14:55 NIR Follow-up plan with the Kagoshima 1-m Telescope ── Masayuki Yamanaka (Kagoshima University)
14:55-15:30 Tea/Coffee Break
15:30-15:45 SN 2021ukt: Rapidly-evolved transitional Type IIn/Ib SN ── Sei Fukata (Hiroshima University)
15:45-16:05 Analysis of the near-infared excess of Type IIn SN 2017hcc ── Taisei Hamada (Hiroshima University)
16:05-16:25 2019tua: Slowly Evolving Type IIb Supernova ── Tatsuya Nakaoka (Hiroshima University)
16:25-16:45 Estimating Volumetric Rates of Transients ── Avinash Singh (Hiroshima University)
16:45-17:05 Tomo-e-Gozen Transient Survey ── Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University)
18:30-20:00 Workshop Dinner
< March 28 >
10:00-12:00 Discussion8 : collaborative observations using 1-4m class India/Japan telescopes
Telescope gallery
3.8m Seimei Telescope
3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope
1.5m Kanata Telescope
1.0m Telescope (in Kagoshima)
2.0m Himalayan Chandra Telescope
1.05 m Kiso Schmidt Telescope
Masayuki Yamanaka (Kagoshima University)
Takashi Moriya (NAOJ)
Qiliang FANG (Kyoto University)
Anjasha Gangopadhyay (Hiroshima University)
Avinash Singh (Hiroshima University)
Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University)
Sota Goto (Kagoshima University)
Miho Kawabata (Hiroshima University)
Koji Kawabata (Hiroshima University)
Tomoki Takeuchi (Kagoshima University)
Tatsuya Nakaoka (Hiroshima University)
Kenta Taguchi (Kyoto University)
Keiichi Maeda (Kyoto University)
Rishabh Singh Teja (Indian Institue of Astrophysics)
Devendra Kumar Sahu (Indian Institue of Astrophysics)
(updated on Feb 9)
Koji Kawabata, Tatsuya Nakaoka, Anjasha Gangopadhyay, Avinash Singh (Hiroshima U.), Masayuki Yamanaka (Kagoshima U.)
This workshop is held by supporting by DST/JSPS grant.