dr. maddy stem Educational kits

dr.mady's science workshop

air car

code 1024 AGE 6+

Know about air compressor and how we can change air pressure energy to convert static to dynamic energy by the principle of air compression.


code 1213 AGE 7 TO 14

Know about the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Lean how the interaction of electricity and magnetic field can convert rotational mechanical energy to electrical energy. Know about the basic structures and the working principles of a dynamo.

diy telescope

code 1209 AGE 8+

This intellectual kit encourages children to grow passion towards astronomy. The design is based on the laws of refraction using doublet lens. This kit includes 15 parts to assemble and explore the space. The kit contains doublet lens which refracts and forms images. A doublet lens is a type of lens made up of two simple lens paired together. The larger the objective, the more light the telescope collects and the finer detail it resolves.


Code 1650 AGE 8+

Build your own planetarium, paint it and add highlight to create the glow and effect. Great assembling kit for children to practice and empower their brain as well as becoming educated with solar system. It is basically innovative learning kit for children.

dr.mady's science robotics lab

4 in 1 transformation robo

Code 1821 AGE 8+

Children can experience the sense of joy and achievement during the process of assembling. Four different models : Robot, Cricket, Wild Beast & Car can be made. Those are easy to assemble; no scissor and no glue are required. Develop hands on ability and intrest in scienece and technology.

spider robot

Code 1262 AGE 6+

This walking spider robot is a great way for both adults and youngsters to get some hands on fun to build the little creature and watching it crawl around super realistically. Here battery is used to power up the spider robot. This spider has eight multi joined legs create a surprisingly credible walking movement. This kit is simple for kids but still interactive enough to get mom and dad involved with them.

tumbling robot

Code 1687 AGE 6+

The sensors at the belly, back and leg of tumbling robot make it possible to get up by changing the internal gears after falling down.

boxing fighter robot

Code 1801 AGE 6+

This robot can throw quick punches while moving. You can control the robot to move forward, backward or left/right with the two channel remote control which has also the fulcrum for the robot to spin. The robot is expret in two boxing skills: straight punch and uppercut. For your convenience , well assembled gear box and wire connected remote control ciricuit are provided.



Code 1260B AGE 15+

This is a compact kit for kids having electronics mania as it includes soldering iron, multimeter, cutter and many more tools to explore the world of electronics. A printed circuit board PCB with all its components is also given for hands on experience of circuit making.

electronics workshop advance

Code 1260A AGE 16+

This is a compact kit for electro maniac kids as it includes Soldering Iron, De-soldering pump, Multimeter, Cutter and many more tools to explore the world of electronics. A printed Circuit Board (PCB) with all its components is also given for hands on experience of circuit making. It will also be beneficial for engineering students.

Electronics workshop level-1

Code 1259-1 AGE 10+

This workshop consists of 22 mind-blowing experiments to execute. All required components (such as transistors, diode, speaker etc.) and a knowledge based instruction manual are included.

Electronics workshop level-2

Code 1259-2 AGE 12+

This workshop consists of 22 mind-blowing experiments to execute. All required components (such as transistors, diode, breadboard speaker etc.) and a knowledge based instruction manual are included.

Electronics workshop level-3

Code 1259-3 AGE 14+

This electronics workshop consists of 24 exclusive and mind-blowing experiments to execute. All required components (such as Counter ICs, Digital display, Speaker, LED etc.) and a knowledge based manual are included. It will enrich your electronics knowledge.

electronics circuit building block (M)

Code 1091 AGE 8+

Electronics building blocks is a new type of learning toys that enhances ability of practice. Children can develop their thinking, cultivate the inspiration of the invention, improve the practical ability and learn in the environment of entertainment. Give the children and ultimate platform, because they may become a future science genius.

electronics circuit building block (S)

Code 1092 AGE 6+

electronics building blocks is a new type of learning toys that enhances ability of practice. Children can develop thier thinking, cultivate the inspiration of the invention, improve the practical ability and learn in the environment of entertainment. Give the children an ultimate platform, because they may become a future science genius.

electronics circuit building block (b)

Code 1093 AGE 8+

Electronics Building Blocks is a new type of learning toys that enhances child's ability of practice. Children can develop their thinking, cultivate the inspiration of the invention, improve the practical ability and learn in the environment of entertainment. Give the children an ultimate platform, because they may become a future science genius.


Code 1857 AGE 10+

Digitronics kit offers a unique entry into the world of microelectronics. Students know how to digital electronics can implement logic circuits in a matter of minutes on experimental board area. As confidence grows the student will naturally progress for using more complex logic ICs on the large bread board area.

electrical engineering kit

Code 1968 AGE 12+

This kit has 11 projects related to electrical circuits and will help to understand how circuit connection is done and the theory behind it in a practical way.

programmable electronics level-1

Code 1851 AGE 10+

This will help to develop knowledge on arduino with basic programmable knowledge. There are projects related to different kinds of sensors and IOT (Internet of Things) which will encourage students in robotics.

programmable electronics level-2

Code 1852 AGE 15+

This kit will give knowledge on Arduino and its features, how it is interfaced with software. There are 16 projects which will develop the idea of robotics and the use of embedded electronics.

fun with physics

Code 1892 AGE 12+

Physics in fun, we all know that. It's now time to have some real fun with physics with this kit and get some hands-in-experience of the real physics world.

popular science

Code 1951 AGE 10+

This kit gives your child a smooth entry into the world of science and experiments. With this kit, the love for science grows which encourages your child to do and invent something revolutionary in future.

fun with chemistry

Code 1891 AGE 12+

Introduce your kids to the mesmerizing world of chemistry and let them enjoy the chemistry projects and get rid of monotonous book studying.