Suppose you manage a database that contains information about movies, similar to IMDb. You would probably want to keep multiple types of documents, such as movies, TV shows, actors, directors, and more. Each of these categories would be represented by an index in Meilisearch.

Using an index's settings, you can customize search behavior for that index. For example, a movies index might contain documents with fields like movie_id, title, genre, overview, and release_date. Using settings, you could make a movie's title have a bigger impact on search results than its overview, or make the movie_id field non-searchable.

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While implicit index creation is more convenient, requiring only a single API request, explicit index creation is considered safer for production. This is because implicit index creation bundles multiple actions into a single task. If one action completes successfully while the other fails, the problem can be difficult to diagnose.

The uid is the unique identifier of an index. It is set when creating the index and must be an integer or string containing only alphanumeric characters a-z A-Z 0-9, hyphens - and underscores _.

The primary key serves to identify each document, such that two documents in an index can never be completely identical. If you add two documents with the same value for the primary key, they will be treated as the same document: one will overwrite the other. If you try adding documents, and even a single one is missing the primary key, none of the documents will be stored.

If your dataset contains multiple similar documents, you may want to return only one on search. Suppose you have numerous black jackets in different sizes in your costumes index. Setting costume_name as the distinct attribute will mean Meilisearch will not return more than one black jacket with the same costume_name.

Meilisearch uses ranking rules to sort matching documents so that the most relevant documents appear at the top. All indexes are created with the same built-in ranking rules executed in default order. The order of these rules matters: the first rule has the most impact, and the last rule has the least.

Change your index's stop words list using the update settings endpoint or the update stop words endpoint. In addition to improving relevancy, designating common words as stop words greatly improves performance.

Since synonyms are defined for a given index, they won't apply to any other index on the same Meilisearch instance. You can create your list of synonyms using the update settings endpoint or the update synonyms endpoint.

Typo tolerance is a built-in feature that helps you find relevant results even when your search queries contain spelling mistakes or typos, for example, typing chickne instead of chicken. This setting allows you to do the following for your index:

Suppose you have an index in production, movies, where your users are currently making search requests. You want to deploy a new version of movies with different settings, but updating it normally could cause downtime for your users. This problem can be solved using index swapping.

This means that the documents, settings, and task history of movies will be swapped with the documents, settings, and task history of movies_new without any downtime for the search clients. The task history of enqueued tasks is not modified.

Once swapped, your users will still be making search requests to the movies index but it will contain the data of movies_new. You can delete movies_new after the swap or keep it in case something goes wrong and you want to swap back.

A common way of defining the keys in Redis is to use specific patterns in them. For example in this application where the database will probably deal with various business objects: movies, actors, theaters, users, ... we can use the following pattern:

If the intent were to copy some portion of the data or the entire data to an index with the same settings/mappings as that of the original index one could use the clone api to achieve the same. Something like below:

However if the intent is to copy the data to a new index with the different settings/mappings than the original index one could use the reindex api to achieve the same. Something like below:

Well the straightforward way to do this is to write code, with the API of your choice, querying for "year": 1972 and then indexing that data into a new index. You would use the Search api or the Scan and Scroll API to get all the documents and then either index them one by one or use the Bulk Api:

Assuming you don't want to do this via code but are looking for a direct way of doing this, I suggest the Elasticsearch Snapshot and Restore. Basically you would take a snapshot of your existing index, restore it into a new index and then use the Delete command to delete all documents with a year other than 1972.

Another method for reaching students, teachers and lifelong learners is the use of Distance Learning. While preparing presentations for students, many Power Point files have been developed for the Digital Learning Network using information from the BGA. Another group of Power Point presentations has been prepared concerning the exploration of space. Students and teachers are encouraged to copy the Power Point files to their own computers and to modify them as desired for their own presentations. We have also created a home page for all of our movies featuring Wilbur and Orville Wright.

Each index card represents a scene or sequence. The cards are laid out on a table or pinned to a board, offering the screenwriter the ability to move any scene or sequence around in whatever way their analytical mind would like to maneuver.

The point to the index card process is not to offer detailed outlines of every moment within the screenplay. Instead, it represents the labeling of each moment, indexing the figure pieces of the screenplay as a whole.

The final product of this particular scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is obviously more involved than those seven words. But for August, he already knows what the index card represents. He's just offering a visual reference that he can use to piece together the structure of his cinematic story.

The index cards don't feature every single visual or moment from the script. That's not the point. You're using these index cards as a visual representation of a broad stroke scene or sequence. Details aren't necessary.

A pack of one hundred white index cards sells for an average of just fifty cents. That's enough for two screenplays, generally speaking. Colored index cards (see below) aren't that much more expensive.

Every action sequence enhances the pacing. When you feature an action sequence within an index card, you're calling attention to a part of the script that is elevated. If you have too few within your action script, you'll see the problem quickly. If you have too many action sequences, they'll stick out like a sore thumb.

For situations in which new data arrives incrementally (for example, customer orders from a small business), you might use the index API to add documents individually as they arrive. For situations in which the flow of data is less frequent (for example, weekly updates to a marketing website), you might prefer to generate a file and send it to the _bulk API. For large numbers of documents, lumping requests together and using the _bulk API offers superior performance. If your documents are enormous, however, you might need to index them individually.

To retrieve multiple documents with a single command, use the _mget operation. The format for retrieving multiple documents is similar to the _bulk operation, where you must specify the index and ID in the request body:

OpenSearch first writes your updates to the primary shard and then sends this change to all the replica shards. An uncommon issue can occur if multiple users of your OpenSearch-based application make updates to existing documents in the same index. In this situation, another user can read and update a document from a replica before it receives your update from the primary shard. Your update operation then ends up updating an older version of the document. In the best case, you and the other user make the same changes, and the document remains accurate. In the worst case, the document now contains out-of-date information.

and some movies. But I am not sure in what order I should watch them. Someone told me that "Railgun" came after "Majutsu no Index" - should I watch "Railgun" first then, or the second season of "Index"? Are there some things that I can miss if I watch them in the wrong order, like not knowing characters that were already introduced?

Because Amazon OpenSearch Service uses a REST API, numerous methods exist for indexing documents. You can use standard clients like curl or any programming language that can send HTTP requests. To further simplify the process of interacting with it, OpenSearch Service has clients for many programming languages. Advanced users can skip directly to Loading streaming data into Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Don't include sensitive information in index, type, or document ID names. OpenSearch Service uses these names in its Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Servers and applications often log HTTP requests, which can lead to unnecessary data exposure if URIs contain sensitive information:

Responses from the _index and _bulk APIs contain quite a bit of information. This information can be useful for troubleshooting requests or for implementing retry logic, but can use considerable bandwidth. In this example, indexing a 32 byte document results in a 339 byte response (including headers):

If data transfer costs are a concern, use the filter_path parameter to reduce the size of the OpenSearch Service response, but be careful not to filter out fields that you need in order to identify or retry failed requests. These fields vary by client. The filter_path parameter works for all OpenSearch Service REST APIs, but is especially useful with APIs that you call frequently, such as the _index and _bulk APIs: 006ab0faaa

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