The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education dimension is measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per capita. The HDI uses the logarithm of income, to reflect the diminishing importance of income with increasing GNI. The scores for the three HDI dimension indices are then aggregated into a composite index using geometric mean. Refer to Technical notes for more details.

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such asGoogle, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings.It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the languagein which most lines of code have been written.

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The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

This month the following changes have been made to the definition of the index:Ivo Balbaert suggested to add the Mojo language to the TIOBE index. Mojo meets all criteria. It debuts at position #174. Thanks Ivo. Dynosaur CORAL 66 was proposed by Lloyd Adams. It is not that popular anymore, but it meets all criteria to be listed. CORAL 66 entered the TIOBE index at position #257 out of 280. Very Long Term HistoryTo see the bigger picture, please find below the positions of the top 10 programming languages of many years back. Please note that these are average positions for a period of 12 months.

We spent a lot of effort to obtain all the data and keep the TIOBE index up to date. In order to compensate a bit for this, we ask a fee of 5,000 US$ for the complete data set. The data set runs from June 2001 till today. It started with 25 languages back in 2001, and now measures more than 150 languages once a month. The data are available in comma separated format. Please contact for more information.

The K-index, and by extension the Planetary K-index, are used to characterize the magnitude of geomagnetic storms. Kp is an excellent indicator of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field and is used by SWPC to decide whether geomagnetic alerts and warnings need to be issued for users who are affected by these disturbances.

This chart updates every minute. The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index is derived at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center using data from the following ground-based magnetometers: Sitka, Alaska; Meanook, Canada; Ottawa, Canada; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Hartland, UK; Wingst, Germany; Niemegk, Germany; and Canberra, Australia. These data are made available thanks to the cooperative efforts between SWPC and data providers around the world, which currently includes the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN), the British Geological Survey, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), and Geoscience Australia. Important magnetometer observations are also contributed by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and the Korean Space Weather Center K-index Watches are issued when the highest predicted NOAA estimated Kp-indices for a day are K = 5, 6, 7, or >= 8 and is reported in terms of the NOAA G scale. K-index Warnings are issued when NOAA estimated Kp-indices of 4, 5, 6, and 7 or greater are expected. K-index Alerts are issued when the NOAA estimated Kp-indices reach 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

The K-index quantifies disturbances in the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field with an integer in the range 0-9 with 1 being calm and 5 or more indicating a geomagnetic storm. It is derived from the maximum fluctuations of horizontal components observed on a magnetometer during a three-hour interval. The planetary 3-hour-range index Kp is the mean standardized K-index from 13 geomagnetic observatories between 44 degrees and 60 degrees northern or southern geomagnetic latitude. The label 'K' comes from the German word 'Kennziffer' meaning 'characteristic digit.' The K-index was introduced by Julius Bartels in 1938. SWPC has used the K-index since the forecast center began operations.

The z-index CSS property sets the z-order of a positioned element and its descendants or flex and grid items. Overlapping elements with a larger z-index cover those with a smaller one.

This is the stack level of the generated box in the current stacking context. The box also establishes a local stacking context. This means that the z-indexes of descendants are not compared to the z-indexes of elements outside this element.

Most of our Search index is built through the work of software known as crawlers. These automatically visit publicly accessible web pages and follow links on those pages, much like you would if you were browsing content on the web. They go from page to page and store information about what they find on these pages and other publicly accessible content in Google's Search index.

Google also provides a free toolset called Search Console that creators can use to help us better crawl their content. They can also make use of established standards like sitemaps or robots.txt to indicate how often content should be visited or if it shouldn't be included in our Search index at all.

In fact, we have multiple indexes of different types of information, which is gathered through crawling, through partnerships, through data feeds being sent to us and through our own encyclopedia of facts, the Knowledge Graph.

These many indexes mean that you can search within millions of books from major libraries, find travel times from your local public transport agency, or find data from public sources like the World Bank.

Remember, the "best" index fund for an individual depends on personal investment objectives and risk tolerance--and relative performance will vary from period to period. Gather comprehensive details about each fund, including performance history and fund-specific risks to help make an informed decision. Additionally, it's always advisable to consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

Index funds may be structured as exchange-traded funds (index ETFs). These products are portfolios of stocks that are managed by a professional financial firm, in which each share represents a small ownership stake in the entire portfolio. For index funds, the goal of the financial firm is not to outperform the underlying index but to match its performance. If, for example, a particular stock makes up 1% of the index, then the firm managing the index fund will seek to mimic that same composition by making 1% of its portfolio consist of that stock.

Index funds track portfolios composed of many stocks. As a result, investors benefit from the positive effects of diversification, such as increasing the expected return of the portfolio while minimizing the overall risk. While any individual stock may see its price drop steeply, if it is just a relatively small component of a larger index, it would not be as damaging.

Most experts agree that index funds are very good investments for long-term investors. They are low-cost options for obtaining a well-diversified portfolio that passively tracks an index. Be sure to compare different index funds or ETFs to be sure you are tracking the best index for your goals and at the lowest cost.

Index funds generally have low annual fees, and these fees, on average, have been declining over the past several years. As of the latest data (2022), the average fee for an index fund stands at just 0.04%, with several index funds offering even lower expense ratios. All else equal, you may want to choose the lower-cost fund if they both faithfully track the same index. (Actively-managed funds, in contrast, average 0.66%).

This calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults 20 years and older. For children and teens, 2 through 19 years, use the BMI Calculator for Children and Teens.

 The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 120.4 points in November 2023, unchanged from its revised October level, as increases in the price indices for vegetable oils, dairy products and sugar counterbalanced decreases in those of cereals and meat. The index stood 14.4 points (10.7 percent) below its corresponding level one year ago.

 The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index averaged 124.1 points in November, up 4.1 points (3.4 percent) from October after declining for three consecutive months. The increase in the price index was driven by higher world palm and sunflower oil prices, more than offsetting lower soy and rapeseed oil quotations. International palm oil prices rebounded by more than 6.0 percent in November, chiefly underpinned by more active purchases by leading importing countries and seasonally lower outputs in major producing countries. World sunflower oil prices also rose moderately, mainly supported by a continued steady pace of import purchases. By contrast, international soyoil prices dropped slightly on subdued global import demand, outweighing the impact of lower soybean production prospects in Brazil, while lingering abundant world supplies contributed to lower world rapeseed oil prices. e24fc04721

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