

IDA Budget

Experience a self-service cash desk in another country.

Choose the unique Lithuanian souvenir in the Supermarket.

Buy the unique Lithuanian souvenir in the Supermarket’s self-service cash desk.

IDA Smartphone

Connect to JDC Wi-Fi.

Take a small video of the JDC birthday party and share it on FB using #joinIDA.

Find the name of Lithuania Republic President. Find the name of the Traditional Lithuania desert.

Take at least 1 photo about a day and upload a photo at FB using #joinIDA.

IDA Google Map


Independently arriving to Hotel, to JDC, to Dinner and Lunch places.

Make an interactive IDA B map

Measure the distance from JDC to Hill of Crosses using Google Map

IDA Facebook

Invite and accept new friend in FB.

Share the activity in FB - going to Vilnius.

Take at least 1 photo of the most spectacular point on the Hill of Crosses and upload photo at FB using #joinIDA

Take selfie in your point and upload photo at FB using #joinIDA

IDA Safety

Share the activity in FB

Share the location or personal emotion to the FB

Get at least 2 new friends on Facebook

IDA Everyday life

Experience a self-service post office in another country. Send the souvenir home.

Lottery - get Vilnius Selfie point.

LTTA in Lithuania team

QR codes in Everyday life

IDA Health

Collect the steps - IDA B challenge - 700000 per meeting.

Upload the number of your personal day steps to Google Form (using QR).

We reach the goal of the IDA health challenge!!!

Over 1 million steps per meeting!