Internal Management Site
Seven units from Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany and Israel work
Kickoff meeting (pre and post-documentation)
First meeting minutes 15/2/22
First semester meeting (22/9/21)
First year meeting agenda 15/2/22
Semester meeting (M18, 17 October 2022).
Docs for Second Year meeting, March 2023
Risk Assessment Report RAR1 (submitted)
Second Risk Asses. Report
GANTT of the project
List of deliverables
Resources to be committed (table)
Person/months (table)
updated Grant Agreement data sheet (2023)
In2Sight Administration Office
Anna Pisano (UNIMiB)
Antonella Sgambato (UNIMIB)
contacts: +39+0264486523
people contacts
Unimib: Giberto Chirico; Maddalena Collini; Antonella Sgambato
Praxinet: Eleni Navakoudi; Maria Makridaki
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964481
GANTT of the project