Junyeong Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor @ Department of AI, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea

E-mail: junyeongkim [at] cau.ac.kr

Office: Building TBD, Room TBD

[CV] [Google Scholar]

Short Bio

Junyeong Kim is an assistant professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Before that, he was a postdoctoral researcher at KAIST and research intern at MSRA. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degree in the School of Electrical Engineering at KAIST in 2015, 2017, 2021, respectively.

Research Interests

    • Theories in Machine Learning

    • Computer Vision

    • Natural Language Processing

    • Vision-Language Reasoning


  • Post-Doc Researcher @ AIM Lab., KAIST

Mar.2021 - Feb.2022

  • Full-time Research Intern @ Natural Language Processing Group, MSRA

Dec.2020 - Jun.2021


Ph.D., School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST Mar.2021 - Feb.2022

  • Thesis: "Deep Learning based Approaches for Multimodal Video Question Answering"

  • Advisor: Prof. Chang D. Yoo

M.S., School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST Mar.2015- Feb.2017

  • Thesis: "Partial Person Re-identification with Convolutional Neural Network and Attention Model"

  • Advisor: Prof. Chang D. Yoo

B.S., School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST Mar.2011- Feb.2015

Academic Activities


Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, 2021

Best Paper Award, Summer Conference, KAIA, 2020


MS COCO instance segmentation 2019 in team "DeepAR(ETRIxKAIST_AIM)" and achieved 4th place

ILSVRC 2016 Object Detection from Video (VID) in team "KAIST-SLSP" and achieved 5th place


IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) : 2020,2021,2022

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) : 2019,2021,0

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) : 2020

Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) : 2020,2021

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) : 2020,2021,2022

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) : 2021,2022

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) : 2020,2021, 2022

Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) : 2021,2022

International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) : 2019, 2020,2021

Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) : 2020


Tutorial : "Tutorial on Deep Learning for Vision and Language Reasoning", Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2021

Invited Talk : "Development of Multi-modal Video QA & Dialogue Systems", Young Researcher Session, Joint Fall Conference by KAIA and MSRA, 2020

Invited Paper Presentation : "Progressive Attention Memory Network for Movie Story Question Answering", Video Turoing Test Workshop, ICCV, 2019