Privacy Policy for Impari Apps

The Impari quiz applications that I, as an individual developer, have written do not gather or utilize ANY personal information. None whatsoever. They gather nothing related to the user, or to any application use, or to any device capabilities or status, or anything else.

They do not gather any information for a few reasons. First, the gathering and transmission of personal information is not necessary for the apps to perform their functions. They include all the data they need internally and information collection would provide no additional capabilities. Second, I have limited resources and do not have systems capable of receiving or processing personal information. Third, I believe that information gathered should be limited to the minimum needed to provide a specific benefit, and there is no such benefit for these particular applications.

The Impari quiz applications also do not utilize any third party services - and, in particular, none that traditionally gather personal information (for example, in app ad partners). Although, I am not necessarily opposed to the use of such partners as a way to provide users with free or reduced-cost applications, I am not comfortable with the current state of affairs where individual developers are made responsible for the actions of these partners. I have virtually no visibility into the actual data collected by any such partners, and even less into how they are storing or otherwise handling the information they collect. As such, I am not willing to take on that responsibility.