Privacy policy

Word Studios (collectively, “us”, “our” or “we”) develops and publishes games for mobile devices. This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes the ways we collect, store, processed, and disclose the information, including personal information, and data that our users (“users” or “you”) provide or we collect in connection with our games provided on a mobile platform (for example iOS and Android))(collectively, the “Service(s)”). Additionally, this Policy describes your rights and choices concerning your information.

If you do not want us to collect, store, processed, or share your information in the ways described in this Policy, you should not use our Services.

1. Information and Data We Collect from You and How We Collect It

Technical and Usage Information:

When you access our Services, we may collect (1) certain technical information about your mobile device, including IP Address, mobile device ID (IDFA, Google Advertising ID or other identifiers), and the version of your operating system; and (2) usage statistics about your interactions with the Services. We may collect your device type, country, and any other information you choose to provide. We may occasionally send you push notifications through our Services to send you game updates and other service-related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.

2. How We Use Your Information

Our primary goals in using your information are to provide Services to you, troubleshoot, improve and optimize our Services, conduct research and create reports for internal use. We use information collected through our Service for purposes described in this Policy or disclosed to you in connection with our Service. For example, we may use your information to:

Operate and improve our Services;

Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our Services;

Provide and deliver products and services you request;

Deliver advertising and marketing and promotional information to you;

Send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;

Communicate with you about promotions, contests, rewards, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by us and our selected partners;

Enable you to Link or combine it with other information we get from third parties, to help understand your preferences and provide you with better services.

Use of Your Information by Others:

Third Party Services. We may provide your information to third party companies to perform certain services, including but not limited to hosting services, payment processing, analytics, customer service and to assist us in our marketing efforts. Where we share your information with third-party service providers and business partners, we ensure that we have appropriate agreements in place to protect your information as required by applicable data protection laws.

Advertising. To the extent we display advertising in our Services, we may allow advertising networks of our affiliates and partner networks to collect information about your mobile device to enable them to serve targeted ads to you. Such mobile device data includes the following:

Device make, model and operating system;

Device properties related to screen size & orientation, audio volume and battery;


Operating system;

Name and properties of mobile application through which a consumer interacts with the Services;

Country, time zone and locale settings (country and preferred language);

Network connection type and speed;

IP Address;

Advertising ID (IDFA on iOS devices and GAID on Android devices).

3. How We May Disclose Your Information to Third Parties

We does not share your personal information except as approved by you or as described in this Policy.

We may share information we collect or derive with third parties for the following purposes:

With service providers that perform services on our behalf, including the ones referenced above under “Third Party Services”;

For analytics and research purposes;

When we have a good faith belief that we have to disclose the information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including law enforcement or legal process purposes;

To satisfy any applicable laws or regulations;

When we believe in our sole discretion that our Services are being used in committing a crime, including to report such criminal activity or to share information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection, credit risk reduction, and other security precautions;

To protect our or a third party’s legal rights, investigate fraud, or to defend against a legal claim;

As part of a business transfer such as a merger, acquisition, or at bankruptcy;

We may share aggregate or anonymous information about you with advertisers, publishers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties; and

We may use analytics services provided by third parties.

4. Security Safeguards.

We takes reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties. Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected on the Services in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information during its transmission or its storage on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining access to this information. We do not warrant or represent that your information will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

5. Data Retention.

We retains your personal data for as long as needed to provide you Services, unless we are required by law to delete or if We accepts your request to delete the information. We will also retain and use your personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

6. Our Policy Regarding Children.

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 16 or knowingly allow such persons to use our Services. If you are under 16, please do not send any information about yourself to us. No one under the age of 16 may provide any personal data. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal data from a child under age 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under the age of 16, please contact us.

7. Transfer of Personal Data Outside Your Country.

We may transfer information that we collect about you to affiliated entities, or to other third parties across borders and from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. Please note that these countries and jurisdictions may not have the same data protection laws as your own jurisdiction, and we take steps to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to enable transfer of information to the U.S. and the use and disclosure of information about you, including personal data, as described in this Policy.

8. Lawful Basis for Processing.

On certain occasions, we process your personal data when it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, such as to provide the Services to you. We may also process your personal data to respond to your inquiries concerning our products and services.

On other occasions, we process your personal data where required by law. We may also process your personal data if necessary to protect your interests or the interests of a third party.

Additionally, we process your personal data when necessary to do so for fraud prevention, improving our network and services, and marketing our services to advertisers and publishers; where these interests are not overridden by your data protection rights.

If the processing of personal data is necessary and there is no other lawful basis for such processing, we will generally ensure that consent has been obtained from you. You have the right to withdraw your consent to processing of personal data at any time.

9. Changes to This Policy.

We may update this Policy to reflect changes to our data and information privacy practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by means of a notice on the Services prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.