I am attempting to supply some "source" files with some executables. I was wondering if there was a way to copy these source files to the build directory (From the source directory) then to the install directory using CMake.

Each call to the install command defines some installationrules. Within one CMakeLists file (source directory), these rules willbe evaluated in the order that the corresponding commands areinvoked. The order across multiple directories changed in CMake 3.14.

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The install command has several signatures designed for commoninstallation use cases. A particular invocation of the commandspecifies the signature as the first argument. The signatures areTARGETS, FILES or PROGRAMS, DIRECTORY, SCRIPT,CODE and EXPORT.

Installs executable files not built by the project, such as shellscripts. This argument is identical to install(FILES) exceptthat the default permissions of the installed file include theexecutable bit.`

The TARGETS, FILES, PROGRAMS, and DIRECTORY signatures are allmeant to create install rules for files. The targets, files, or directoriesto be installed are listed immediately after the signature name argument.Additional details can be specified using keyword arguments followed bycorresponding values. Keyword arguments provided by most of the signatures are as follows.

This argument specifies file permissions to be set on the installedfiles. This option is needed only to override the defaultpermissions selected by a particular install commandsignature. Valid permissions are OWNER_READ, OWNER_WRITE,OWNER_EXECUTE, GROUP_READ, GROUP_WRITE,GROUP_EXECUTE, WORLD_READ, WORLD_WRITE,WORLD_EXECUTE, SETUID, and SETGID. Some platforms do notsupport all of these permissions; on such platforms those permissionnames are ignored.

This argument specifies a list of build configurations for which aninstallation rule applies (Debug, Release, etc.). For Makefilegenerators, the build configuration is specified by theCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE cache variable. For Visual Studio and Xcodegenerators, the configuration is selected when the installtarget is built. An installation rule will be evaluated only if thecurrent install configuration matches an entry in the list providedto this argument. Configuration name comparison is case-insensitive.

This argument specifies the installation component for which theinstallation rule applies. Some projects divide their installationsinto multiple components for separate packaging. For example, aproject may define a Runtime component that contains the filesneeded to run a tool; a Development component containing thefiles needed to build extensions to the tool; and aDocumentation component containing the manual pages and otherhelp files. The project may then package each component separatelyfor distribution by installing only one component at a time. Bydefault, all components are installed. Component-specificinstallation is an advanced feature intended for use by packagemaintainers. It requires manual invocation of the installationscripts with an argument defining the COMPONENT variable to namethe desired component. Note that component names are not defined byCMake. Each project may define its own set of components.

This argument specifies that it is not an error if the input file tobe installed does not exist. If the input file exists, it will beinstalled as requested. If it does not exist, it will be silentlynot installed.

The TARGETS keyword is immediately followed by a list of thetargets created using add_executable or add_library,which are to be installed. One or more files corresponding to each target willbe installed.

Files installed with this signature may be divided intocategories such as ARCHIVE, LIBRARY, or RUNTIME. Thesecategories are designed to group target files by typical installationdestination. The corresponding keyword arguments are optional, but ifpresent, specify that other arguments following them apply only totarget files of that type. Target files are categorized as follows:

Consider a project that defines an executable, myExecutable, whichlinks to a shared library mySharedLib. It also provides a staticlibrary myStaticLib and a plugin module to the executable calledmyPlugin that also links to the shared library. The executable,static library, and plugin file may be installed individually usingthe commands

The executable will not be able to run from the installed locationuntil the shared library to it links to is alsoinstalled. Installation of the library requires a bit more care inorder to support all platforms. It must be installed in a locationsearched by the dynamic linker on each platform. On UNIX-likeplatforms, the library is typically installed to lib, while onWindows it should be placed next to the executable in bin. Anadditional challenge is that the import library associated with theshared library on Windows should be treated like the static library,and installed to lib/myproject. In other words, we have threedifferent kinds of files created with a single target name that mustbe installed to three different destinations! Fortunately, thisproblem can be solved using the category keyword arguments. The sharedlibrary may be installed using the command:

This tells CMake that the RUNTIME file (.dll) should be installedto bin, the LIBRARY file (.so) should be installed to lib,and the ARCHIVE (.lib) file should be installed tolib/myproject. On UNIX, the LIBRARY file will be installed; onWindows, the RUNTIME and ARCHIVE files will be installed.

If the above sample project is to be packaged into separate run timeand development components, we must assign the appropriate componentto each target file installed. The executable, shared library, andplugin are required in order to run the application, so they belong ina Runtime component. Meanwhile, the import library (correspondingto the shared library on Windows) and the static library are onlyrequired to develop extensions to the application, and thereforebelong in a Development component.

Component assignments may be specified by adding the COMPONENTargument to each of the commands above. You may also combine all ofthe installation rules into a single command invocation, which isequivalent to all of the above commands with components added. Thefiles generated by each target are installed using the rule for theircategory.

Projects may install files other than those that are created withadd_executable or add_library, such as header files ordocumentation. General-purpose installation of files is specifiedusing the FILES signature.

The FILES keyword is immediately followed by a list of files to beinstalled. Relative paths are evaluated with respect to the currentsource directory. Files will be installed to the given DESTINATIONdirectory. For example, the command

installs the file my-api.h from the source tree, and the filemy-config.h from the build tree into the include directory underthe installation prefix. By default installed files are given thepermissions OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, andWORLD_READ, but this may be overridden by specifying thePERMISSIONS option. Consider cases in which users would want toinstall a global configuration file on a UNIX system that is readableonly by its owner (such as root). We accomplish this with the command

Projects may also install helper programs, such as shell scripts orPython scripts that are not actually compiled as targets. These may beinstalled with the FILES signature using the PERMISSIONSoption to add execute permission. However, this case is common enoughto justify a simpler interface. CMake provides the PROGRAMSsignature for this purpose.

The PROGRAMS keyword is immediately followed by a list of scriptsto be installed. This command is identical to the FILES signature,except that the default permissions additionally includeOWNER_EXECUTE, GROUP_EXECUTE, and WORLD_EXECUTE. Forexample, we may install a Python utility script with the command

The DIRECTORY keyword is immediately followed by a list ofdirectories to be installed. Relative paths are evaluated with respectto the current source directory. Each named directory is installed tothe destination directory. The last component of each input directoryname is appended to the destination directory as that directory iscopied. For example, the command

will install the data/icons directory from the source tree intoshare/myproject/icons under the installation prefix. A trailingslash will leave the last component empty and install the contents ofthe input directory to the destination. The command

Files installed by the DIRECTORY signature are given the samedefault permissions as the FILES signature. Directories installedby the DIRECTORY signature are given the same default permissionsas the PROGRAMS signature. The FILE_PERMISSIONS andDIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS options may be used to override thesedefaults. Consider a case in which a directory full of example shellscripts is to be installed into a directory that is both owner andgroup writable. We may use the command

which installs the directory data/scripts intoshare/myproject/scripts and sets the desired permissions. In somecases, a fully-prepared input directory created by the project mayhave the desired permissions already set. TheUSE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS option tells CMake to use the file anddirectory permissions from the input directory during installation. Ifin the previous example the input directory were to have already beenprepared with correct permissions, the following command may have beenused instead:

If the input directory to be installed is under source management, there maybe extra subdirectories in the input that you do not wish to install. Theremay also be specific files that should not be installed or be installed withdifferent permissions, while most files get the defaults. The PATTERN andREGEX options may be used for this purpose. A PATTERN option isfollowed first by a globbing pattern and then by an EXCLUDE orPERMISSIONS option. A REGEX option is followed first by a regularexpression and then by EXCLUDE or PERMISSIONS. The EXCLUDE optionskips installation of those files or directories matching thepreceding pattern or expression, while the PERMISSIONS optionassigns specific permissions to them. be457b7860

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