The Immowelt Group, headquartered in Nuremberg, is one of the leading IT specialists for the real estate industry in German-speaking countries. Its core businesses are and, which are among the most visited real estate platforms in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Special interest portals with a large reach such as and complement the portfolio. The second main business area is CRM software solutions for the real estate industry, which cover the entire spectrum of modern real estate marketing and are among the leading products in the industry. The Immowelt Group employs around 600 people at eight locations in Germany. Axel Springer has held a 55 percent stake in the Immowelt Group since 2015.

I know that this is a hot topic for everyone in Berlin, but I am looking for a flat for one person and immoscout24 is not working that fine for me, since there are hundred of applicants. I was wondering if there is someone who has a successful story from immowelt. There are new flats promoted every day, and I try to apply as soon as possible.


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The immowelt Group runs popular real estate portals that help German-speaking businesses and individuals find their dream property. When its on-premises data centers threatened its ability to innovate and provide a responsive service to customers, it turned to AWS. The company completed a successful lift-and-shift migration to AWS and simultaneously re-architected its core infrastructure. Using AWS, immowelt has achieved greater visibility of IT costs, lowered maintenance overheads, and created a more efficient, flexible development process for future growth.

immowelt was finding its existing IT estate expensive and cumbersome to maintain, hindering the business and its ability to innovate. The company looked to modernize its infrastructure using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It ran multiple projects simultaneously, with one stream focused on re-architecting workloads that were hosted on-premises or already migrated to the cloud. It also aimed to migrate its remaining workloads to AWS as a straight lift-and-shift project.

Using AWS, immowelt has achieved greater visibility of IT costs, lowered maintenance overheads, and created a more efficient development process with flexibility for future growth and innovation. 

immowelt business and IT leaders now have greater visibility of IT costs, which makes budgeting and planning easier and more effective. Previously, the complexity of systems made it difficult to track where budget was being spent. The company has also cut the cost of IT maintenance and hardware purchases compared to its on-premises systems.

Yes, all the data on is publicly available and it's legal to scrape them as long as you follow the website's terms of service and keep your scraping rate reasonable. For further details, refer to our previous guide - is web scraping legal.

RE/MAX will use the Profi-Card, a digital business card provided to real estate agents by immowelt. Through this product, real estate agents can show owners willing to sell that they are the local expert for property sales on the price map and in the property valuation.

Wie alt du bist, wie du aussiehst oder ob du ein Handicap hast, ist fr deine Einstellung bei immowelt nicht entscheidend. Wichtig ist, was du kannst, was du willst und ob du bereit bist, mit uns zu wachsen.

immowelt is a leading digital real estate platform in Germany and Austria, involved in the entire home buying or renting process, from search to financing. They needed a multi-platform consent management solution that was very user-friendly both for their customers and for their team to maintain.

Based on the customer reviews, it seems that immowelt has some significant issues. There are numerous complaints about outdated listings, unreliable information, and unresponsive customer service. This raises concerns about the legitimacy of immowelt as a reliable and trustworthy platform for real estate needs. is among the leading property portals in Germany. The e-commerce website stands out for its sophisticated advertisements and customised search results. Together with Immowelt AG, we developed the interactive concept and interface design based on the results of usability tests. In addition to intuitive operability, the joy of use was the central focus during implementation.

Please bear in mind that immowelt is not the agent or owner of the property and has no impact on the response. If you have any further questions about the property, please send another request using the contact form or telephone number under "Anbieter dieser Immobilie".

This is confirmed by reports from idealo, immowelt and The Stepstone Group. In a joint analysis, the three online platforms dispel false myths about online retail, real estate and the job market: Good bargains can still be made when shopping, home ownership is still affordable and the German labor market is proving to be robust.

"The higher interest rates on construction have made it more difficult to buy property, so that home ownership is no longer financially viable for some people, especially in high-priced cities. But in the commuter belts of many cities there are still affordable apartments," says Daniel Raumer, Group Lead Market Analytics of immowelt. "In some cases, real estate prices there are still so low that buyers don't have to accept an overcharge due to financing."

immowelt: The purchase prices were calculated on the basis of offers advertised on The values calculated using hedonic methods reflect the average prices per square meter of existing apartments (75 square meters, 3 rooms, 1st floor, built in the 1990s) as of April 1, 2023. These are offer prices, not closing prices.

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Finde die passende Immobilie zur Miete oder zum Kauf in Deutschland, sterreich und der Schweiz. Mit der kostenlosen immowelt App hast du ein breites Immobilienangebot immer zur Hand und suchst ganz bequem und flexibel nach deinem neuen Zuhause.

Am 14. November 2024 ist es endlich wieder so weit: immowelt verleiht zum vierten Mal den Deutschen Immobilienpreis. Die groe Abendgala, moderiert von Star-Moderatorin Laura Wontorra, zieht erstmalig in die Hauptstadt und findet in einzigartigem Ambiente im denkmalgeschtzten WECC Westhafen Event & Convention Center in Berlin statt.

Wir haben uns fr diesen Award beworben, weil der Deutsche Immobilienpreis von immowelt ein wertvolles Qualittssiegel ist. Fr uns als junges Unternehmen ist es besonders wichtig, die Sinnhaftigkeit unserer Arbeit von externen Branchenexperten besttigen zu lassen.

Es ist super, dass sich immowelt trotz der aktuellen Situation dazu entschieden hat, den Deutschen Immobilienpreis zu vergeben. Da alle Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice arbeiten, fllt es nicht leicht, das Team zu motivieren. Deshalb haben wir uns umso mehr gefreut, den Preis und die leckere Torte zu erhalten. Vielen Dank fr die Auszeichnung!

Mit immowelt impuls sind Sie als Immobilienprofi immer bestens informiert. Bilden Sie sich mithilfe von E-Learning-Kursen individuell weiter oder absolvieren Sie Ihre Fortbildungsstunden mit Live-Seminaren.

Hier dreht sich alles um Immobilien: Die Immowelt Group bndelt geballte Immobilienkompetenz unter ihrem Dach. Ab sofort prsentiert sich die Unternehmensgruppe auf der Website Die neue Group-Site zeigt die vielfltige Markenwelt der Immowelt Group, vermittelt den Aufbau und die Struktur der Unternehmensgruppe und informiert ber deren reichweitenstarke Portale und hochwertige Softwarelsungen. Zudem finden User die aktuellsten Pressemitteilungen und Jobangebote sowie Informationen zu Kampagnen, Unternehmenskultur und sozialem Engagement.

Die Immowelt Group betreibt insgesamt 9 Portale, mit denen sie ihre Kunden im kompletten Lebensbereich Wohnen untersttzt - von der Suche nach der Traumimmobilie ber die Finanzierung bis hin zum Umzug. Mit monatlich mehreren 100 Millionen Page Views verfgen die Portale der Immowelt Group ber eine enorme Reichweite. Motor und Aushngeschild der Immowelt Group sind und, zwei der fhrenden Immobilienportale in Deutschland. Sie bieten Immobilienprofis und privaten Anbietern eine optimale Plattform fr die Vermarktung ihrer Immobilie. Wohnungssuchende finden hier schnell und unkompliziert ein passendes Objekt. Das zweite Hauptgeschftsfeld der Unternehmensgruppe sind effiziente Softwarelsungen fr die Immobilienwirtschaft. Die Produkte estateOffice, estatePro und estateSmart gehren zu den fhrenden Lsungen in der Branche. Starke Marken wie Umzugsauktion, Crozilla und Immosolve runden das breit gefcherte Portfolio der Immowelt Group ab. e24fc04721

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