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McCombs School of Business

The University of Texas at Austin

2110 Speedway, Stop B6600, Austin, TX 78712

Welcome! I’m a Ph.D. candidate in Finance at the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business. My research interests lie in the areas of investments, mutual funds, household finance, and financial technology. I pursue this research agenda employing both theories from financial economics and tools from industrial organization. I will be on the job market during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Research Interests:

Investments, Mutual Funds, Retirement Savings, Household Finance, FinTech, Industrial Organization


The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business

Ph.D. in Finance (Expected May 2022)

M.S. in Finance (2017)

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

M.Sc. in Financial Economics (2015)

B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (2012)