Imaging meets Computational PDEs

This meeting aims at bringing together researchers in imaging and PDE-based numerical modelling to share expertise and explore possibilities for future collaborations.

Imaging and PDE-based numerical modeling are fascinating mathematical research fields and play an important role in numerous medical diagnosis tools. To mention a few examples, they lie at the core of electrical impedance tomography and computed tomography. Although there is a natural overlap between these disciplines, there has been little effort to connect the two research communities, who often ended up working on parallel research agenda. The goal of this event is to give researchers from these communities an opportunity to gather, exchange research ideas, and design joint research plans. A closer collaboration would allow both research communities to widen their research perspective, and to develop together a new vision with solid theoretical foundations and robust numerical algorithms.

The event hosts six talks by invited speakers with ample time for discussions.

If you are interested in participating, please click here to register. Registration is free of charge and closes on 14 September 2020.

List of speakers

When and where?

The event will be held on Zoom on 17 September 2020. Details to join the event will be communicated after registration.


13:00 Andrea Cangiani (Nottingham, UK), Arbitrary element numerical modelling in biomedicine

13:45 Malena Landman (Bath, UK), Iteratively reweighted flexible Krylov methods for sparse image reconstruction

14:30 Tobias Kluth (Bremen, Germany), Model-based to data-driven methods for imaging in application to magnetic particle imaging

15:15 virtual coffee break

15:45 Hanne Kekkonen (Delft, Netherlands), Edge preserving random tree Besov priors

16:30 Teo Deveney (Bath, UK), Deep learning approximations to solution of high dimensional parametric PDEs

17:15 Annalisa Buffa (EPFL, Switzerland), Geometric modeling and numerical simulation of PDEs: how to improve interoperability


If you are interested in participating, please click here to register. Registration is free of charge and closes on 14 September 2020.


If you have any questions about this event please email one of the organisers: