COVID Guidelines

Venue Guidelines:

As of 4/15/2022 - Ralston Valley High School does not require masks indoors at this time. You are welcome to wear a mask if you'd like to!

Studio Guidelines:

Per the recommendation of the Broomfield County Health Department, we will be lifting the mask mandate at the studio as of March 1st, 2022. Throughout our COVID tracking, out of over 200,000 unique visits to the studio, we have had a transmission rate of less than .001%, so we feel confident about continuing to follow the guidance of the health department.

We will be shifting our language from required to "strongly recommended" and adjusting our signage to match that of the Broomfield community right now. We will continue to encourage hand-washing, nightly cleaning at the studio, and obviously we want people to feel comfortable - there may be many kids/staff/adults still wearing masks in our building. We want to be respectful of all dancers and families as we make this transition. Your dancer is definitely more than welcome to continue wearing their mask if you'd like them to do so.

If your dancer has a "special circumstance" for example: immuno-compromised child, a special request to be on an end near a door, etc, we are happy to accommodate requests to the best of our ability!

We will continue to cautiously proceed into this new world together and as always - the safety of you, our students and our staff will remain a top priority as it has throughout this pandemic. We will watch for rises in COVID numbers and continue to follow the guidance of the health department - that will not go away

Thank all of you for your continued commitment to the safety of our Elite Family!

-Elite Staff