From Chapter 11, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#20 Enlightenment versus Ignorance and Alcohol

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

There is another truth, which has to be accepted, that there is a subtle power of divine love, which does all the living work. The living process can be explained after self-realisation. The awakening of the Kundalini takes place spontaneously and pierces through the fontanelle bone area. The spirit, which is reflected in our heart, gets enlightened and makes our attention enlightened and we see the light of the spirit spreading in our attention. It happens simultaneously that a cool breeze is felt on the fingertips and the same cool breeze is felt out of the fontanelle bone area. This cool breeze is called various names. We need not argue about names.

In modern times, it is extremely difficult to convince people that there is a way by which one can achieve peace within themselves. The modern mind is so complicated and has reached a conclusion that only through rationality can it solve the problems of modern times. This complication in the brain and the conviction do not allow any idea of absolute truth to penetrate into the minds of the scholars, intellectuals or scientists of this era.

They do not want to talk about anything which has no controversy to argue about or discuss, in seminars or international conferences. It is not acceptable to people who are living and enjoying the play of controversies. For example, when I went to Paris first and was to address people about the joy within, everybody warned me that I look very joyous and happy and that this kind of face and attitude would not be acceptable to the great intellectuals of France because they would conclude that I am ignorant and therefore joyous and if I understand what life is, I should be the most miserable person.

I just couldn't understand how they could have taken such a new image of themselves, that the French are the most miserable people. Actually, the French think they are very exclusive. Their bathroom culture is the highest. By their rotten value system, they have made themselves and others extremely miserable, by making them alcoholic. ... ...

I told them that in Paris, at every tenth lamp-post, you find drunken people sitting and thinking about the end of the world, the ultimate that has to happen. If you have a pub at every tenth pole, a prostitute standing just after two or three poles, what else is going to happen to people, who under the guise of saying they are miserable, are having drinks as soon as the sun goes down and some of them when the sun starts rising?