From Chapter 9, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#17 My Mission in Life

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

When I was born, I saw people taking to a new course all over the world, not to believe in God or spirituality but to believe in money or power. At this juncture, I must say, my father, who was another great evolved soul, came to my help and he told me: “You know what is your mission in this life?”

I said: “I know that.”

Then he said: “You are standing on the seventh floor of a building. From there you see many who are on the ground floor. How will they believe that you are on the seventh floor? If you could raise them even up to the first or second floor, then they may start thinking that there is a higher state which they have to achieve. So the first slab of physical achievement is over, the second slab of the emotional is over and the third, the mental, also will be over. But now they have to go beyond this mental and, that too, not individually but collectively.”

I knew my mission very well, of collective awakening, but I was born in such a blind world.

My father continued: “Any discovery which is individual has to be brought to the collective, otherwise it has no meaning, it does not serve any purpose.”

I told him: “I know my job is to find out a method by which we can really give en masse realisation.”