From Chapter 7, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#11 Collectivity and Protection

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Only in the light of the spirit we see and feel, on our central nervous system, that we are part and parcel of one primordial father and mother. The cells in the body act collectively. If one part of the body is hurt then the whole body looks after that part. The whole body itself is coordinated and acts in an extremely coordinated manner.

We need not go into the scientific aspect of this matter. However, it is obvious that every part of the body is somehow connected, through the central nervous system, to every other part of the body.

The reflex actions, which take place in the body, are exactly the same as those which happen spontaneously to people who are together in Sahaja Yoga. If one person is sick, the whole body of Sahaja Yogis rush to his help. If one person has a genuine problem, the whole organisation, which is a living organisation, acts spontaneously, to solve the problem of that individual person.

In the light of the spirit, one becomes completely integrated and extremely aware and wise. The greatest achievement is that he becomes joyous and instead of finding fault with others, he becomes sensitive enough to enjoy another’s personality.

The only way we can bring peace on this earth is not by talking or by organising but by transforming people to this new awareness of the fourth dimension, where they become the spirit.

But what are we to do about people who are violent? How do we protect ourselves from them, is always the question put to me? The answer is that we are now in the realm of God Almighty. We now belong to the kingdom of God and he is capable of arranging our protection and nourishment. But first we have to enter into his kingdom, with humility and with readiness.