It makes reverse image searching simple and fast. Once installed on Firefox, just right-click on any image you find to pull up a context menu offering 11 image search engines. That search engine variety should be enough to satisfy most folks, but if not, Image Search Options allows you to customize the list of search providers by adding your own or removing others. You can even set it to automatically search across multiple engines simultaneously.

I don't want to prevent all images from loading or stop loading everything, I just want to stop loading an individual image after I've seen that it's probably not something I care about so I can use that bandwidth for something else.

Image Download Firefox Extension

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My internet is very slow, but I still like browsing sites like tumblr, imgur, etc. that have lots of images. It seems like GIFs are getting more and more common and they can be several megabytes each... my internet just can't handle it.

When I right-click a broken/unloaded image in Firefox, there's an option to reload the image. I essentially want the counterpart to that: to right-click a still-loading image and stop the download. Is this possible? Greasemonkey script, extension, I'll take any method.

I was using chrome until now when I moved to Firefox. I used extension for Chrome that allowed me to show or download any image from website in full resolution. I tried several extensions for firefox but none of them worked (it either didnt accessed all images or was able to download only all pictures)


my question is, if I want to send info about the images that is on the current page to a remote server using this extension, how would I write the javascript such that it can fetch the images in the current document?

If your extension loads its JavaScript code in a browser overlay then it has access to the global gBrowser variable (the tag). To access the document loaded in the currently selected tab you use gBrowser.contentDocument. To get the URLs of all images:

Note that this will only give you the tags. You will not get things like and you will not get images defined in the CSS stylesheets. If you want a more complete list you should have a look at how the Page Info dialog does it: -central/file/2bb8c0b664cf/browser/base/content/pageinfo/pageInfo.js#l614. This function is being called for all elements from function processFrames() which uses TreeWalker to look at all elements.

Note: Until Firefox 105, extensions could access resources packaged in other extensions by default. From Firefox 105 onwards, to enable other extensions to access an extension's resources they must be included in this key.

For example, the Beastify example extension replaces a web page with an image of a beast selected by the user. The beast images are packaged with the extension. To make the selected image visible, the extension adds elements whose src attribute points to the beast's image. For the web page to be able to load the images, they must be made web accessible.

If an extension wants to use webRequest or declarativeNetRequest to redirect a public URL (e.g., HTTPS) to a page that's packaged in the extension, then the extension must list the page in the web_accessible_resources key.

is not your extension's ID. This ID is randomly generated for every browser instance. This prevents websites from fingerprinting a browser by examining the extensions it has installed.

Note: In Chrome in Manifest V2, an extension's ID is fixed. When a resource is listed in web_accessible_resources, it is accessible as chrome-extension:///. In Manifest V3, Chrome can use a dynamic URL by setting use_dynamic_url to true.

Web-accessible extension resources are not blocked by CORS or CSP. Because of this ability to bypass security checks, extensions should avoid using web-accessible scripts when possible. A web-accessible extension script can unexpectedly be misused by malicious websites to weaken the security of other websites. Follow the security best practices by avoiding injection of moz-extension:-URLs in web pages and ensuring that third-party libraries are up to date.

I don't want to save any files as webp - save them as PNG if you like, or jpg, but I use an ancient copy (v3.24) of ACDsee (from the days of Windows 98) for my image browsing, sorting, viewing etc because it is perfect, blisteringly quick, has no extra editing or other functionality which I don't need or want, and it doesn't bloat up anywhere with thumbnail files... but sadly webp didn't exist back then so it doesn't support it. I have used a number of much more up to date browser-viewers, but there is nothing can touch this OLD version of ACDsee for basically brilliant design.

Hi Ethan, as you probably know from researching this issue, very few sites are intentionally designed to use WebP images. YouTube is the only popular one I can think of. What you mostly see is that servers add WebP compression on the fly to JPEG and PNG images because they know Firefox can handle that transparently. The problem comes to when you save: Firefox doesn't have a converter to turn the WebP image back into the original format, unlike Chrome, which has a converter in the Save dialog. Edge probably inherited that.

When you save an image usually you will be able to "save as" and then choose which file type you prefer in the dropdown (as shown in the attached image).EDIT: it says Irfanview JPG because I use Irfanview as an image viewer so that is just what the JPG filetype is called for me

If this is not the case then I don't know what the problem is except that maybe you have a condition set that automatically saves images as .webp files.If this is the case then you need to go to options > general > applications and change any conditions that are set there.

sorry - there is no option to save in an alternate file format, and besides I really wouldn't want to have to manually select that option from a dropdown menu EVERY time I save an image file, even if the choice existed, if I'm honest.

Most other current or reasonably current browsers have other disadvantages - with IE it's just rubbish, slow, insecure and out of date, with Chrome its the outrageous amounts of bloat, with Opera it's clunky and ugly but otherwise quite good, then there's Edge which I'm starting to get used to, Dolphin and maybe three or four others that I have used, plus a few others on Android. I remember that IE, for instance, at one time, used to only save images as .bmp.

There was a previous workaround I tried which involved editing an about:config field to instruct sites that Firefox couldn't handle WebP but unfortunately it broke eBay basically - some pages (e.g. watch list) showed no images at all.

Hi Ethan, yes, if you set image.webp.enabled to false in about:config, then when Firefox gets .webp images it shows nothing. I'm not sure the setting should work that way, but... that's a battle for another day.

This is actually the only reason I still have chrome installed. Only thing needed is a converter like chrome does, I guess 99% of the people saving an image don't want/need the webp one. I cannot recommend Firefox to content creators friends with this issue, it makes no sense for them this functionality is not by default.

Once installed, right-click the image you plan to save and click "View Image" to open the image by itself in the tab, then switch your User-Agent String to IE 11, refresh the page, and now when you go to save the image you'll be served the good old jpg file.

Today, I just discovered that my Firefox version 88.0 no longer has the View Image Information in the pull-down menu when I right-click on a given image that I want to save as a .jpg file instead of a .webp file. For my intended purpose, I require images to be saved as a .jpg file exclusively. e24fc04721

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