Thanks for your answer. We have a similar case and we are considering to start a multi-animal project with a single animal.

My question is, if we try single animal first, and then realize that the skeleton features might be helpful, do we need to label all frames again after we create a new a multi-animal project? Or can we use the labeled frames for the new ma-Project?

Hi Brandon, we use DLC for the pose estimation of the fly. We first tried single animal project. The model predicts the markers on the body of the fly very accurately but makes lots of errors especially at the tips of the legs. Therefore, we decided to use a multi-animal project to use its skeleton feature. Do we need to create a skeleton using all our markers (33 markers in our case) or is it ok if we just connect the markers on the legs?

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CIGAT offers the advantage of having experts in radiology, interventional radiology, neurology, oncology, and orthopedics overseeing advanced imaging techniques on leading edge equipment. In addition to veterinary imaging, MRI-, CT- and ultrasound-guided biopsies may be performed, as well as interventional radiology procedures, such as image-guided cryoablation and embolic therapy.

The CIGAT team is led by Dr. Kraitchman and includes dedicated veterinary technicians, MRI technologists, and nursing staff. The images obtained by certified imaging technologists are transferred, in real-time, to a veterinary radiologist for final evaluation. All images and reports are sent to the requesting veterinarian.

The Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy is a not-for-profit center within the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The success of CIGAT is dependent, in large part, on generous contributions and support from community members, veterinarians and animal lovers like you. Clinical trials can be costly and difficult, yet the benefits and information gleamed can change the way disease processes are diagnosed and treated both for animal medicine and human medicine.

The Center is focused on studying animals with naturally-occurring disease and striving to find improved methods for caring for these animals. Philanthropic support allows our veterinarians to pursue cutting-edge research and to translate that research into veterinary care of the highest quality.

Virtual adoptions and in-person adoptions are now available. Meet and greets are available on a limited basis as volunteer staffing is available. You can call 925-608-8400 and have the Animal ID number ready for more information about our available pets.

Our staff and volunteers are standing by to provide additional information. They will respond to online applications in the order in which they are received, usually within 72 hours. There is no guarantee that the animal you apply for online will still be available by the time our adoption counselors are able to reach you.

All "Available" animals are eligible for adoption to the public only, and not eligible to transfer to a rescue, until 12:00pm the day after they are made "Available," with the exception of pit bulls and kittens/puppies four (4) months and under.

Below are animals who are currently at the Martinez shelter or in a foster home and available for adoption, animals who have been identified to preferably be transferred to a rescue group, and animals who have recently left the shelter. Click the links below to view the animals on each list.

A fundamental challenge common to studies of animal movement, behavior, and ecology is the collection of high-quality datasets on spatial positions of animals as they change through space and time. Recent innovations in tracking technology have allowed researchers to collect large and highly accurate datasets on animal spatiotemporal position while vastly decreasing the time and cost of collecting such data. One technique that is of particular relevance to the study of behavioral ecology involves tracking visual tags that can be uniquely identified in separate images or movie frames. These tags can be located within images that are visually complex, making them particularly well suited for longitudinal studies of animal behavior and movement in naturalistic environments. While several software packages have been developed that use computer vision to identify visual tags, these software packages are either (a) not optimized for identification of single tags, which is generally of the most interest for biologists, or (b) suffer from licensing issues, and therefore their use in the study of animal behavior has been limited. Here, we present BEEtag, an open-source, image-based tracking system in Matlab that allows for unique identification of individual animals or anatomical markers. The primary advantages of this system are that it (a) independently identifies animals or marked points in each frame of a video, limiting error propagation, (b) performs well in images with complex backgrounds, and (c) is low-cost. To validate the use of this tracking system in animal behavior, we mark and track individual bumblebees (Bombus impatiens) and recover individual patterns of space use and activity within the nest. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of this software package and its application to the study of animal movement, behavior, and ecology.

A fundamental challenge facing diverse fields of research is the accurate reconstruction of spatial position information over time. In biology, for example, fields such as biomechanics, animal behavior, and ecology all depend heavily on reconstructing accurate spatiotemporal data on either anatomical components (e.g. different joints) of animals or their entire bodies. Traditionally, such tracking has been done primarily through human observation or manual tracking of positional information. Studies of animal locomotion, for example, have often involved manual (although frequently computer-aided) tracking of anatomical features to reconstruct accurate movement kinematics [1,2]. On the other hand, studies of animal behavior and ecology have often involved marking animals with uniquely identifiable tags combined with manual observation [3].

A fundamental limit of many of the tracking methods described above, however, is the need for a controlled, laboratory environment for high-quality tracking results, which for certain research questions can present a significant limitation. Partially for this reason, radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology, which does not require a controlled visual environment for identification, has become particularly popular among behavioral ecologists for tracking and identifying individuals in both vertebrate (see [11] for an excellent review of the use of this technology in birds) and invertebrate [12,13] animals. While robust to limitations of the visual environment, however, the spatial information provided by RFID is limited, since spatial position is only recorded when an animal is near an RFID reader, and the technology is therefore of limited utility for addressing certain experimental questions.

Increasingly, automated image-based tracking has been used to explore basic questions in behavior and ecology [8]. However, each tracking method has distinct strengths and limitations. One limitation that faces many image-based individual tracking methods is error propagation: since tracking is often based on using information from previous frames in a movie (e.g. spatial proximity of an animal from one frame to the next [4,14,15]), errors can be introduced when the paths of two animals cross. Such errors are generally irreversible and propagate through time, thus making it difficult or impossible to track individuals over long time periods. While computational advances can reduce [14] or nearly eliminate [7] this problem, these techniques still rely on controlled, homogenous visual environments for accurate tracking.

One method for avoiding such errors and allowing for long-term tracking of uniquely identified points or individuals in complex visual environments is to use markers that can be uniquely identified by computer-vision in each picture or frame. Image-based recognition of such markers has been widely used in commercial (e.g. barcodes and Quick-Response, or QR codes) as well as in augmented reality (ARTag, [16]) and camera-calibration (CALTag, [17]) applications. While such marker-systems have previously been used for high-throughput behavioral studies in ants [10], previous software packages are either not optimized for recognizing isolated tags (as desired for most applications in animal movement), or suffer from licensing issues, making access to these techniques limited. Here, we present and characterize BEEtag (BEhavioral Ecology tag), a new open-source software package in Matlab for tracking uniquely identifiable visual markers. First, we provide a basic description of the software and characterize its performance. Next, we validate the tracking system by marking and tracking individual bumblebees (Bombus impatiens) within a nest. Finally, we consider the potential extensions, future applications, and limitations of this tracking technique.

We use a tag design that is inspired by similar markers for visual tracking such as ARtag [16] and CALTag [17]. Our tags consist of a 25 bit (5x5) code matrix of black and white pixels that is unique to each tag surrounded by (1) a white pixel border and (2) a black pixel border (Fig 1). The 25-bit matrix consists of a 15-bit identity code, and a 10-bit error check. The 15-bit identity is the binary representation of a number between 1 and 32767, left-padded with zeros and reoriented into a 5x3 pixel matrix (Fig 1A). A unique 10-bit error check is then generated for each code. The first 3 bits of this error code are parity checks (1 (white) for odd and 0 (black) for even) of each of the three columns of the 5x3 code matrix. The next two bits are generated by checking the parity of the first 3 and last 2 columns of the 5x3 code matrix, respectively. This 5-bit error check is then repeated and reversed to give a complete 10-bit error check (Fig 1). This simple binary image matrix can then be scaled to any size where it can be visualized by a camera, for example small tags for use with bumblebees (Bombus impatiens, Fig 1B, see below) or moderately larger tags for bigger invertebrates such as cockroaches (Blaberus discoidalis, Fig 1C, tags roughly 8 mm per side). e24fc04721

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