Time marching DPG scheme and adaptivity for transient partial differential equations

Judit Muñoz-Matute

The University of Texas at Austin, USA.

We present a time-marching scheme based on the Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method with optimal test functions for linear transient problems. For that, we employ an ultraweak variational formulation and we show that the scheme is equivalent to exponential integrators for the trace variables. Additionally, our method delivers the L^2 projection of the solution in the element interiors and an error representation function for adaptivity in time. We combine our method in time with Bubnov-Galerkin discretization in space. We show the performance of the method and adaptive strategy for 1D and 2D + time linear Partial Differential Equations. We show the performance of our method for 1D and 2D + time linear hyperbolic problems together with an algorithm to speed up the computation of exponential-related functions.

We will meet in google meet, use the link below to connect with us

October 1st, 2021, 15:00 Chile, via https://meet.google.com/viw-rqds-ikc

[1] I. Muga and K.G. van der Zee, ‘Discretization of Linear Problems in Banach Spaces: Residual Minimization, Nonlinear Petrov-Galerkin, and Monotone Mixed Methods.’ In: SIAM Journal in Numerical Analysis. 58(6), pp.3406-3426.

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[3] J. Chan, J. A. Evans and W. Qiu, ‘A dual Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for the convection-diffusion equation’. In: Comput. Math. Appl. 68.11, (2014).

If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact: paulina.sepulveda @pucv.cl