An unfitted HDG method for a semi-linear elliptic problem arising from nuclear fusion reaction

Dr. Manuel Solano

Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

We present a priori and a posteriori error analysis of a high order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method applied to a semi-linear elliptic problem posed on a piecewise curved non polygonal domain. This problem comes from an application to plasma physics, where the magnetic equilibrium in axisymmetric fusion reactors can be described in terms of the solution of an equation of this type. We approximate by a polygonal subdomain and propose an HDG discretization, which is shown to be optimal under mild assumptions related to the non-linear source term and the distance between the boundaries of the polygonal subdomain and the true domain. Moreover, a local non-linear post-processing of the scalar unknown is proposed and shown to provide an additional order of convergence. A reliable and locally e cient a posteriori error estimator that takes into account the error in the approximation of the boundary data is also provided.

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September 25, 15:00 Chile, via

If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact: paulina.sepulveda