Boys and Girls are in love with our fun new way to keep them in shape without the stress of team sports.

Just high-energy kid-focused fitness.


Ages 6-12 years old learn how to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, make cool new friends, and get a great workout with Fitness Kickboxing!

The best part? It's totally safe!

Kick, roll strike...but never at another person.

By training with our heavy bags and expert instructors, your child will build confidence as they gear up with professional kickboxing gloves, learn about anti-bullying, and fight childhood obesity one wicked roundhouse kick at a time!


So we've made making the fittest decision for your kids an easy one!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and were 100% satisfied?

Low energy, frustrated with your belt and just plain fed up with trying one diet or fit trend after another. We hear this every day from adults just like you!

Now imagine your child in the next 10, 20, 30 do they see themselves in the mirror? Are they a victim of bullying, are they passed over for promotions due to lack of confidence, do they have piles upon piles of medical bills from obesity related issues?

Or are they confident, filled with energy to live a full and joyous life - satisfied with the person they are on the inside. Are they happy?

They should be, and you have the power to give them the best shot at happiness! It's what you dedicate so much of your time and energy to, you are a great parent.

Proven just by you being on our site!

So we'd like to help as experts in fitness and Fun Kid-Friendly Motivation

Because, your kids are worth it.

So let's have a little FUN with your kid's fitness and set them up for success, together!


Sometimes really smart kids get lost in the shuffle. It’s not because they don’t have the right stuff - they just can’t FOCUS and sift through all the noise life throws at them nowadays.

As a result grades and confidence suffers.

Fitness Kickboxing teaches hand to eye coordination while forcing focused concentration on the task at hand.

This laser-like focus translates into other areas of your child’s life, like school and chores. But you didn’t hear that last part from us!


Do you know what the most life-saving tip is for dealing with a bully?

Knowing when and how to walk away, get help, and tell someone in charge what’s going on.

If things do get physical, your child needs to know how to stand up for themselves with dignity, poise, and control over the situation until an adult can arrive.

Fitness Kickboxing is based on life-saving martial arts moves that anyone can learn.

These moves develop flexibility, muscle tone, endurance, and a cool head under pressure.


Ah, to be young again and have the world on a string! All of that freedom can sometimes be a burden to kids who want to try “everything” or “nothing” out of frustration.

ILKB Kids routines change daily, making each class unique and FUN!

Punch, kick, roll, burpees then jump up to run a couple of laps around the mat - then it’s off to wail on that heavy bag!

In class, instructors push your child to explore and find their passion both on the mat and at home.

Parents love watching their kids struggle through class and laugh as the high-fives fly freely on the way home for a job well done.


Soccer, football, baseball, cheerleading... chess club?

Team sports aren’t for everybody and we totally get that!

Whether your child needs cross training for enhanced performance on their favorite team sport...

...or they just want to compete against themselves to see just how far they can go...

ILKB Kids Instructors are hilarious and everyone has a sweaty good time in class no matter what their starting level is.

Routines are developed to help kids enhance balance, flexibility, and muscle control.

These skills will carry them well into adulthood with a healthy body. Every upper cut and push kick will help them build a strong core and flexible spine - sneezing themselves into traction later in life is a worry of the past with ILKB Kids!


Some kids can’t sit still. So send them over to us, our Instructors love high-energy! A funny thing happens in class. As we unwind all of that pent up energy, kids actually begin to get really focused. And fast! High knees, low squats, up and down run around, give the bag all you’ve got - frustrations from the day, pent up issues with siblings, a tough day at school - it’s all left on the mat with us.

By the end of class the kids are usually asking the Instructors how they have so much energy. Consistent and regular physical fitness promoted proper sleep habits, balances out energy spikes, and provides a clearer mind for concentration. This is why infuse ancient secrets of the far east, with good old American fun, to help you and your child see these amazing changes in your lives...

Better Focus & Empowerment

The time your children spend with us in ILKB Kids Fitness Kickboxing is so empowering for them!

Let’s face it, when are they really in control of their daily lives? They get told what to eat and when, how much homework to do, and when to go to bed.

On the mat, kids focus all of their attention on what the instructors are guiding them to do...and then they go and do it! In their own way, with their own flare, and with their own power. It’s awesome to see.

Boosted Grades & New Friends

ILKB Kids love to show off their stuff, on the mat and in school! We can’t tell you how many times a “D” or “F” student, labeled “lazy” or “stubborn” has completed transformed and proved all of those label pushers wrong!

With supportive encouragement, purpose, and a mentor they look up to outside of the home, these kids are unstoppable!

They come to life in classes and love to show their improved report cards to Instructors and new friends.

Positive Body Image & High Self-Esteem

ILKB Kids love to show off their stuff, on the mat and in school! We can’t tell you how many times a “D” or “F” student, labeled “lazy” or “stubborn” has completed transformed and proved all of those label pushers wrong!

With supportive encouragement, purpose, and a mentor they look up to outside of the home, these kids are unstoppable!

They come to life in classes and love to show their improved report cards to Instructors and new friends.

Anti-Bullying & Standing Up For Themselves

Typically, if you stand up to a bully they back down. And as your child’s roundhouse kick’s get higher, and they don’t get winded running around the mat as easily, and do 20 burpees back to back - something amazing happens… develop the ability to not only stand up to a bully...but to walk away too.

And if things do turn physical, your child will be able to defend themselves and others.

Fun, Fun, Fun!

ILKB Kids Instructors are hilarious and they know exactly how to motivate the kiddos.

Your kids will knock out a one-two combo of fun and hard work through body weight exercises that change daily, challenging drills, and tons of laughs with new friends.

Many kids meet their best friends in ILKB Kids Class and absolutely LOVE meeting up weekly. A fun, safe environment, for after school activities and community support. Yes, please!

Today only - Special Offer!

ILKB Kids will change your family’s life.

We love us, just like we know you will too. But just in case we’re not a good fit, let us know.

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